It's that time of year again ... the time when I can't go to Trader Joe's with an empty sugar tooth because they have all their holiday yummy things out. They have cute snowflakes made out of milk, white and dark chocolate; holiday jelly beans in red, green and white (with no artifical colors or flavors); lots of truffles and fleur de sel caramels, chocolate-covered Joe-Joe's ... it goes on and on. I decided to go for the Dark Chocolate Minty Mallows. Want to know more? You know you do! Check out my new food blog, EatDrinkShopCook! I've accepted a gig as the food writer for a group of local papers, which means my postings here may be a bit sparse for a while, until I get my bearings over there.
congrats on the new position!
I already know I love your new gig since the first thing I saw was a picture of Nutella :)
Good luck! :D
Congrats on the new gig. I'm sure you'll be very popular with all your new office mates! (You know, because you always have sweets.)
Thanks everyone. It should be fun (I say with some trepidation). No office mates, though; still freelancing, which means I get to eat all the candy. :)
I volunteer to help you taste yummy things.
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