Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thank you, thank you, it was nothing really

We interrupt this entry of Candy Yum Yum to bring you a very important message: WE DID IT! As of 3:25 p.m. yesterday, Mr. Goodbar and I finished our NaNoWriMo novels.
We set up our laptops at Starbucks and worked like dogs trying to get down our last 2000 words. There was a gaggle of middle schoolers sitting next to us, so I had one of them take a picture of us at the final word count so we'll have evidence. (Thanks to all those kids who helped us celebrate!)
Woohoo! I can get my life back now! Actually, it was great fun and I'll miss it (sort of). One of my secrets to success was only allowing myself a daily chocolate treat AFTER I had written my 1667 words for the day. Those Emily's Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies came in real handy for the last week.


Cybele said...

Congrats on finishing! Whoo hoo!

Definitely calls for chocolate!

Jeanna said...

How many words for a piece of candy? You are the Queen of self control!