The very fabulous June pulled me aside at my birthday party and said, "You might want to open your gift now." She presented me with a perfect box tied with a ribbon. It was kind of freakishly perfect, like it was part of Let's Make a Deal or like I was on a soap opera. I untied the ribbon and she helped me carefully lift the top to reveal:

A candy cake! Look at this beautiful thing. It's surrounded by Kit Kats and topped with Reese's Pieces. I mean, really, does it get any better than this?

think she does this for a living or something, but no, it was just a little project she took up. Personally, I think she needs to hang out a shingle that says, "Junie's Kandy Kakes."
What a wonderful cake!!!! It was beautiful, and I bet it tasted great, too!!!!!!!
Well happy Bday, looks like it was a great time. What kind of cake was the base for the kit kats and reeses pieces?
I believe it was a chocolate mousse cake. But that could just be the champagne talking.
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