Wombat Day is typically celebrated with lots of chocolate and Wine Gums. For those unfortunate individuals who live in areas where Wine Gums are difficult to obtain, ju-jubes can be substituted. Often a chocolate cake in the shape of a wombat is the centerpiece of an evening party in which wombat songs are sung, and wombat stories and folk tales are told. In some areas, the secret wombat dance is also performed. Afterwards, the wombat cake is divided among the guests, and large quantities of Wine Gums are consumed. Sparklers and fireworks usually end the celebration.
Stay tuned for a full report on how I celebrated Wombat Day 2007!
Ok, so I hope you're happy....I marked "Wombat Day" on my 2008 calendar.......just one question...what are wine gums???
Wine Gums are much like Jujubes, but are chewier and usually have a stronger flavor. They're of British origin, and can often be found in shops that sell British or imported foods.
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