I have a particular affection for Mallo Cups. I don't know why. Is it because of the fluffy, sticky marshmallowy center? Or the surprise crispy crunch of the coconut in the chocolate? There's just something unique and magical about Mallo Cups, and of course, the "Play Money" in each package only adds to the appeal. When I was little, waaaayy before the Internet, I would save those cardboard vouchers and imagine what I could trade in my Mallo Cup cash for. A bicycle, maybe? Or how about a secret spy ring that I could use to communicate with other spy children? Well now, through the magic of the world wide Web, I was able to find out. Yes, with all those cardboard tokens that children everywhere have been saving up, you can buy a Mallo Cup baseball cap, T-shirt or, if you've really got a big stash of Play Money, a Mallo Cup watch. Woohoo. You can find the order form at the Boyer website. Oh, and while I was there, I finally learned what those hideous "Smoothie" peanut butter cups are. They're peanut butter in a butterscotch shell. Those were always one of the first things to get tossed from my Halloween stash.
I LOVE Mallo Cups too (and the Smoothies! I haven't had the PB cups yet tho) and I'm saving up my cardboard money. I think I'm at 500 or so at the moment. :P
Does anyone know where I can get a few bags of the snack-size mallo cups?? They're usually around at halloween. But not for a couple of years now. I would love to get some. Thanks.
The link to redeem Mallo Cup play money on Boyer's web site is currently "under construction," but you can find details about how to redeem your Mallo Cup poings at http://www.squidoo.com/mallocup. For 1000 points you can get a tin of the single cup snack-size Mallo Cups.
You can get mini mallo cups and the bigger ones at Economy Candy in New York City!
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