During my most recent visit to the Von Schokolats', we went to Big Ass Wal Mart where we had to do some shopping as well as hunting for scavenger hunt items. (We had to find a Wal Mart employee with the same name as someone on our team; unfortunately, the only person who had a matching name was fired the day before.)
In any case, as I was cruising through the food aisles, I spotted these: Haviland Thin Mints in special edition flavors of orange and raspberry.
Haviland Mints are made by NECCO (speaking of which, I'm still waiting, Mr. Krause) and they're a staple in my family's house at Thanksgiving. Seriously, I think the regular Thin Mints are as much a part of the holiday as the turkey. No mints, no Thanksgiving.
I bought a package of the orange ones, although I didn't really have any big expectations, considering the box was less than $2. It might've even been $1.
Well surprise, surprise. These mints are really good! They remind me of Munson's orange creams. There's a faint mint taste, but not overwhelming. Mostly it's just sweet and tangy orange with the rather decent dark chocolate. Kudos to you, Haviland mints!
In other news, I went to the NECCO site to grab the photo (I'm too lazy to take a picture of the ones I still have left) and found this weirdness:

Green Necco wafers for weddings. Only green. Not white. Not pink. You can only get green. That's fine if you're the Jolly Green Giant, or your bridesmaids are wearing mint green (not a good idea) or you're having your reception at the Gaelic-American Club (ahem), but otherwise ... Is there some mythological green Necco wafer story I don't know about?
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