One of my fellow taste testers told me that her daughter's junior high class was having a Willy Wonka theme for their dance. How cool is that? The parents decorated the gym with giant lollipops and candies and all sorts of other cool stuff. My eighth grade dance theme was "Almost Paradise" (from Footloose) and we had palm trees and big flowers. Booooorrrring.

Here is the lovely Miss Jacqueline hanging out at the candy store. I love how they cut out pictures of candy jars and put them on the wall.
While we're on the subject of Wonka, I have a
giveaway to announce! The kind Oompa Loompas over at Wonka have given me an assortment of their new bars and fruit jellies to give to a lucky Yumster.

So here's what you have to do to enter: leave me a message saying what kind of decorations you'd have if you were hosting a candy-themed party. I'll pick a winner at random on
June 21. Be sure to tell me how I can contact you. Continental U.S. residents only, please.
Actually... I remember when I was younger, my brothers had blow up pool toys that looked like giant versions of hershey bars/wrappers and a few other candies. I think a really lot of them would make for cool decorations and party favors ^___^
Pinatas all over the place. The set up might be a little dangerous, but it adds to the excitement.
I'm impressed you remember your eighth grade dance theme. I can see the cafeteria where we had our dance, but I can't remember what our song was. Not even a little bit. But if it was a Wonka party, I would remember!
Let's see, for my candy-themed party, I would definitely string gumdrops and hang them like streamers for lots of color. And I would have a candy bar table in the corner as a centerpiece to the room with all kinds of different candies.
I would use all sorts of varying height vases fill with bright colored candies - gumballs, jelly beans, etc (different candy for each vase)
I would figure out a way to make gummi bear jello shots because alcohol and candy are 2 of my favorite things. There would also be balls of various sizes scattered about like giant gumballs. And bubble wrap painted to look like the candy dots on paper. (at) gmail (dot) com
Id have the real thing as decor! lol Undecorating would be a blast!
agree with dots wallpaper, and the jello shots - well for kids its sort of- do you want them doing adult like things.-
Have huge jars of jawbreakers- gumballs- etc and have guessing contests as to how many in there to win it- or just a raffle
I would make centerpieces with wrapped or bright colored candies placed in a mason type of jar and top it off with a little circle of fabric and a ribbon. You can even tie ballons to the jars. They'd make great gifts afterwards too.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.
Giant candy, multi-colored lights, candy themed prizes, get bowls of candy with holes in them so people can make their own candy jewelry.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I'm not very creative, but I'd have a pinata and pieces of candy in decorative bags sitting around the place or something like that.
I'd have gold and olive streamers because those colors blend well with chocolate.
A candy-themed party! Well, I guess a chocolate fountain would be the center attraction ... yummy melted chocolate with all kinds of things to dip. I think I would go with the 'interactive' theme .... so, on top of everyone 'dipping,' I think I'd have everyone bring a candy-decorated bag with an unusual candy inside. The bags would be placed in a big, bright colored tub, and everyone would be able to pick out a bag ... even better, we could make it a 'Chinese grab bag!' In Florida it would be hard to decorate with candy 'cause it would all melt! However, we could decorate beach balls to look like hard candies and put them in the pool. Oh, I guess I'm thinking of an outdoor party, huh! Indoors would be totally different. I'll give this more thought ...
I wouldn't decorate with flying candy candys and rubber jelly beans. I would fill the tables with cupcakes.
Diane Baum
I would do Candy shaped Pinatas, Plus candy in bowls, candy canes hung everywhere (who doesn't like candy canes even if it's not Christmas)
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Candy shaped pinatas, giant decorations in the shape of candy bars, then I would hang real pieces of candy from the ceiling. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love CHOCOLATE, so the theme "A trip around the world via Chocolate" Different areas would showcase different types of Chocolate and candy bars. Mexican, English, German and Switzerland among others. Chocolate kisses, chocolate malt balls, and any other foil wrapped (colourful) chocolates strung by the hundreds and hanging from the ceiling, swag-like! Chocolate fountains to dip fruit, marshmallows, brownie bites, doughnuts etc into. I'm sure a little more colour could be added with M&M's. PS. I think one could even make a Chocolate kiss disco ball!
I would make chocolate balloon bowls and fill them with candy.
Strangely, I am having a candy party! :) My 21st birthday is coming up in August, and for fun to kick in my life as a real "adult" I'm having a fun wacky Willy Wonka themed party. We're wrapping balloons in wrapping cellophane paper and tying the sides with ribbon, then taping them to the walls and ceiling to look like giant wrapped hard candies! Then we're lining parts of the walls with candy buttons for "lickable wallpaper". We're also going to have a Chocolate Fondue Fountain and we're using giant lollipops to decorate, and we're going to have an assortment of candy. I'm using strings of Rock Candy to carefully line the tables too. Can't wait! our post was perfectly timed :) Thanks so much for the post and plus the chance to win!
lipstickncandycigarettes at gmail dot com
I'd have a chocolate covered candy theme party. Decor could include candybar wrappers.
I like streamers, and multi-colored lights.
My centerpiece would be a chocolate fondue machine with the chocolate dripping down and around it all kinds of bright colored chocolates (like Lindt with different color wrappings). I would get fun pillows shaped like candybars tootsie rolls etc around the room and tie bright ribbons on mini candy bars and hang them from the ceiling.
I'd do an international candy party. The internet would make it easy to discover and order candy that's popular all over the world. I'd pair displays with the national flags and make a guessing game out of what's what and where it's from.
I would have candy that looked like real food and serve them on plates and flatware made of chocolate.
Lots of Jelly beans.
I'd take a cue from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie and attempt to make huge plants and trees out of candy ;)
kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
Nerd ropes and licorice rope 'streamers'... and don't forget to reach in the Wonka hat and grab a treat! ;-)
I would decorate the room with huge, blown-up colored fish, because Swedish Fish is my favorite candy.
Alicia Webster
I want to go to Jilleh's party!!!! I LOVE the disco ball idea!!!!!!!
Pinatas and I would make prize packs wrapped in foil to look like chocolate kisses.maybe a jar of jellybeans so kids can guess how many and win the whole jar!
I would do a superman theme
I would sprinkle jelly beans on the table cloth, use a gum drop tree or two for centerpieces. wrap the napkins in those sweet and sour ribbon candies, make cupcakes that each have a piece of chocolate as a decoration. We would play games with candy as prizes. All of the kids would get a party bag to take home filled with wonka liciousousness
For a candy themed party it's all about tons of giant-sized sweets and making inedible objects edible! Like flower arrangements for the tables that are edible, edible plates, the possibilities are endless and oh so tasty! Thanks for the chance!
I would decorate with a lot of bright colors. I would put jelly beans in glass vases with lollipops sticking out of the vases.
I would have little wreaths made of candy scatterd throughout the area.
Hehe I already have a "general store" as the girls call one of my hutches as it is filled with old fashioned candy jars loaded with candy.
Some of those large Hershey kiss banks, gold wrapped chocolate coins scattered on the table (they probably wouldn't last long), some Wonka posters.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
I would fill candy vases with skittles, and then put those huge swirly lollipops inside, to look like edible flowers in a vase. I would also hang bags of cotton candy from the ceiling, and set photos of candy as props for the walls.
Dozens of colored balloons, pictures of various candy boxes up on the walls, Pepto-Bismol centerpieces for the tables, and as many pinatas as would safely fit in the party area!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I would get out all my "candy" Christmas ornaments (both ornaments that look like generic candy, and brand name candy ornaments), and decorate with them. What a great excuse for a party!
I would make a wallpaper made from candy wrappers
I would make some homemade candy kisses out of foil to hand around the room. Thanks!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I would have a Chocolate fountain themed party: The fun would never stop- various fruits, cakes and dried citron to dip- something for everyone.
I would get tin foil to make giant kisses and have the tissue pull say something about the party
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Candies from around the world!
I'd decorate with strips of candy dots and hang candy sticks from the ceiling!
I go all out for bdays. So if we was to do a candy theme bday I would want a chocolate water fall deal.
At my candy themed party I would have a blind folded taste test, I would use a box of pre-sorted jelly bellies -the child who guesses the most right gets a prize. I would also have each child bring a unique candy--with enough so all the kids can try it---like a cookie swap--only with candy. Of course there would be gift bags. Maybe a chocolate fountain, with lots of things to dip marshmallows, pretzels, all kins of fruit--if you don't want to spend the money on a fountain you could do the same with a fondue pot. Another fun game---go to any bulk candy store and choose a unique candy---like maybe chocolate covered gummie bears-or flavored malt balls-tell the kids you invented a new candy--and you need their help naming it---prize to the best name--I could go on for hours---I live for candy!
This is hard, I guess I'd choose one type of candy like lollipops or chocolate and really go overboard with them everywhere. Thanks!
I think ot would be fun to decorate with candy shaped flats and balloons with such items as candy necklaces and ring pops strung from them.
And several pinata's throughout the room.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
Candy bouquets for centerpieces would be a cute decoration.
I'd make a completely edible party. Furniture, silverware, the lights...all able to be consumed. A man can dream right? :)
I'd have streamers of foil and paper mache in different colours with balloons of brown, white and red. I'd have a sign that says 'candy party' done with actual lifesavers and gum drops, milk duds, M&M's and any other candy that is small and round spelling out the word 'candy party' and My table cloths would be made of an actual thin coating of milk chocolate splashed with all colours of skittles over that. May be a little messy if it melts but oh the fun licking it off ya!
I would have chocolate fountains and HUGE pieces of candy everywhere, thanks!
I would fill vases or flower pots with M&Ms or skittles or some similarly shaped candy, and then plant some of those very large lollipops (the kind you get at fairs) into the pots.
For a centerpiece I'd get a large clear glass vase and fill it with a string of multicolored lights. Then I'd fill in the spaces with spun sugar (and maybe pour in some glitter.) You'd have to be very careful to use the new cool LED lights or this might melt and become dangerous, and you'll still need to throw away the lights when done. If you're worried about safety skip the lights and just use different colors/layers of cotton candy in clear vases.
This would be a huge production, but would look awesome if you committed the hours: With a few days planning you could create very beautiful sugar rock candy crystals. Grow large crystals. Take a large rock with an interesting shape. Rinse it and wrap in cellophane. Then cover in a double layer of aluminum to create a sort of mold. Brush melted chocolate on this, let cool. Add a second layer. This time, as it is cooling, press rock candy crystals into the top. Add a little bit of coco powder for crumbled oreo for dirt and since you're already going all out if you're hand a tiny bit of marzipan/fondant moss. If you didn't want to do the whole rock/mold thing you could also just make the rock out of marzipan and just brush that with chocolate. It'd also be easier to eat.
And of course colored lights and streamers.
thisiswhereyoucanputmyspam@ gmail DOT com
i would fill old style candy jars with tons of candy. i would also buy bright color plastic wrap and make giant hard candies to place around the room!
I think I would make some sort of candy wreath, like maybe one made with varous wrapped candy or gumdrops. I like the idea of candy dots wall paper. Maybe have some candy memorabilia around, like the M&M's dispensers. Pinatas are also a good idea. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
would hang certain candies,have candy everywhere,candy themed drinks!maybe some wearable candy!
I would have a life sized gingerbread man standing on the front lawn.
I'd hang candy canes from the streamers we usually put around the room. I'd have a pinata full of candy, and I'd buy the plates/cups/tablecloth at Party City that have the candy all over them.
If I was having a wonka themed party, I would do a wall in my house that was like the lick and taste wall in the movie, only it would be a scratch and smell wall complete with smelly stickers.
I also would do large peppermints because I love red and white.
I would have a chocolate fountain, a pinata, and candy everywhere. I would have decorative bags so that guests could fill them with whatever kind of candies they wanted. It would also be fun to have a cotten candy machine.
I'd use mason jars filled with different types of candy for centerpieces. I'd make lollipops out of styrofoam and colored wrapping paper!
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
If I was having a candy themed party I would be sure to use as many colorful decorations and blow ups as I could! I guess I would maybe have a chocolate fountain and a pinata!
Hmmm...Candy themed decorations...I would go with red, blue, green Confetti, Streamers, a few balloons. Have some Hershey, Nestle or other fun graphics on the walls. #1 One is to make it fun and go from there.
we actually saw a wedding reception decorated this way so I would start with a chocolate fountain followed by clear jars in various sizes filled with various colorful candy
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com
I'd make a lollip tree with different flavors of suckers sticking out. I'd also get some candy confettis and sprinkle that everywhere.
I would do a gummy themes party and have giant gum drops and gummy worm decorations, maybe a giant gummy bear pinata?
I would have giant paper maché copies of my favorite candy. There would be candy everywhere.
I would save baby food jars and fill them with all sorts of colorful candy like - nerds, sweet tarts, spree. I would have a chocolate fountain.
I would have lollipops hanging as lights from the ceiling.
I think big balls of cotton to look like cotton candy, bowls of candy everywhere, I would get big boxes and decorate them as different candy bar wrappers, a big gum ball machine - that would be sooo fun!
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)
i would have bright colorful decorations if i was hosting a candy party
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I would have lots of primary color decorations such as balloons, and streamers, have hidden golden wrapped candies, and plan a treasure hunt for golden wrapped chocolate coins. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)COM
I would use little candy lights, cupcakes with candy shooting out, and candy filled balloons.
charisscharity at yahoo dot com
I'd have giant lollipops, giant boxes and wrap them with paper and decorate them as candy bars, glitter as sugar, and i know how to make mint looking decorations with tissue paper
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
I would decorate using Candyland game boards and pieces and giant-sized candy pictures!
I'd have to do a gumdrop CandyLand theme! And have big lollipops on the walls, and streamers with candy attached to the ends!
Herskey's kissy birds, chocolate foutain for dippin and cakes with mini candy bar decoations.
I would make large lollypops and candy bars with things from the craft store. Great ideas already for my daughters party.
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