Thursday, June 28, 2007
Disappointment at Trader Joe's
Today I bought the second bomb: dark chocolate covered pistachios. I love dark chocolate. I love pistachios. But together, oh no, they do not work well. Pistachios just don't have a substantial enough texture to hold up to the chocolate, and their smoky undertones don't jive with the bitterness of the chocolate. (In fact, I can almost see comparing them to the Vosges Mo's Bacon Bar-- smoke and chocolate don't mix, in my book). I know TJ's has a policy where you can return anything you don't like, but I'm not that type of person. I'll just pass along the rejects to the next unsuspecting guests.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Great Mentos Experiment

Maine: A Candy Wonderland

The next day we all took a ride to the Maine State Prison Store where you can find all sorts of hand-carved wooden items made by, you guessed it, prisoners. Fun! I bought a cedar hanger and two cedar boxes to put in my closets. (Closets! Yes, I finally have closets!) On the way back, I spied a sign that said "Sauerkraut: 8 miles." Well, c'mon, how can you resist that?! So we made the trek and found ourselves at Morse's Sauerkraut, a little German store and restaurant. I nearly hyperventilated when we walked in and I saw row upon row of German candy. It was so overwhelming that I only bought a few things including a chocolate bar (which again, was devoured before I even had time to take a picture), and a box of Happy Hippos. These are made by the Kinder company that also makes Kinder Bueno and Kinder Eggs, some truly lovely confections. The hippos were made from wafers and inside was a creamy chocolate and milky-white-chocolate filling. They were a big hit.

Monday, June 25, 2007
Random Candy Wisdom
Bar None is back! (And other candy news)
In other candy news, apparently Dum Dums are having a contest where you can enter to have a lollipop flavor named after you (or your kid). I can't think of any "H" flavors to go with Henri, though.
And this is pretty exciting, although it's not candy-related: the banana Twinkie is back! Apparently this is the summer of banana. I thought Twinkies were going to be discontinued for some reason, but I guess not. I haven't kept up on the news. But I have a vague recollection of banana Twinkies from when I was a kid, although naturally I always preferred a Chocodile, which was a Twinkie-like cake covered in chocolate.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Soda Pop Shoppe Jelly Bellys

My only complaint about them is that they come in a big box, but inside there's just a little packet of beans. Wasteful packaging and misleading to the consumer. But hey, whatever.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
This moment in history

Monday, June 18, 2007
Stop the Insanity!

As I mentioned in a previous post, my sister Betsy received a Vosges Haut Chocolat Mo's Bacon Bar. Apparently she was working on a project involving healthy habits and a co-worker thought this would be a funny gift, along with a couple of other bars. This weekend I had the opportunity to sample them all. (That's my brother-n-law Jeff there, showing off the goods.)
According to the Vosges website, the idea for bacon and chocolate was inspired by chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Well, who could argue with that? That's yummy. But bacon in a candy bar is not. It's not yummy and it's not funny. It's a waste of good chocolate. It tasted like salty salad bar bacon bits covered with chocolate. I tried to be open minded, I assure you, but the concensus was: gross! So then we moved onto the next one, "Calindia," which is Indian green cardamom, organic California walnuts and dried plums in dark chocolate. I actually thought I'd like this one. I mean, what's not to like? It's dried fruit and nuts. But whoa, man, that cardamom was just overwhelming. Waaaay too strong.
Lastly we tried the "Naga," sweet Indian curry powder, coconut flakes and milk chocolate. Again, I thought I'd enjoy this one, but holy moly, it was nasty.
"It smells like Indian take out," I said.
"It tastes like the spice cabinet," Betsy said.
The worst part about the experience was that I felt like I was eating joke candy bars from Spencer Gifts, even though I know these are supposed to be sophisticated. I mean, this is quality chocolate to be sure. And I'm all for extreme sensory challenges, but this just doesn't work. My question is: does anyone truly eat these? Do fancy city-folk (as opposed to me, a hick suburbanite) really say, "Lovey, I'm craving a curry candy bar. Could you fetch me one on the way home?" Seriously. If any of you actually dig this stuff, let me know because I'm honestly curious.
Which leads me to say, there are certain flavors that are acceptable with chocolate, and others that I am banning from my candy canon. So here is the official (but not yet comprehensive) list of
Peanut butter: yay
Mustard: nay
Raspberry: yay
Beets: nay
Cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla: yay
Black pepper, basil, oregano, thyme, lavender and/or dill: nay
Marshmallow: yay
Mayonnaise: nay
Nuts: yay
Beans: nay (except, of course, cocoa beans and coffee beans)
Cheese: yay
Chalk: nay
Potato chips: yay
Wood chips: nay
Friday, June 15, 2007
Licorice Mix

Thursday, June 14, 2007
A very special Candy Yum Yum!

Let me just say, I've traditionally stayed away from ginger. Ever since I od'ed on gingerbread when I was five and spent Christmas Eve with a major tummy ache, I've pretty much walked the other way whenever I saw a ginger snap or candied ginger. (Although I do love ginger ale, except Polar brand, which is vile, but I digress.) But I must say, the Gin Gin was pretty darn tasty. It had a nice honey flavor to it and the ginger was strong but not overpowering. Judy said they really help settle her stomach and I would imagine these would be great for morning sickness or sea sickness.
The candies are made by the Ginger People and they also make all sorts of other ginger products. They make a line of ginger chews that are seriously chewy, including a spicy apple that is SPICY. We're talking hot, hot, hot. If you like fireballs and apple pie, this is the candy for you. You can buy their stuff online or at natural food and specialty stores.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I'm all shook up!

Happy (belated) Birthday, Candy Yum Yum!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Guest Review!

I totally agree, Alex! There's just something inherently "KitKat" about the fine balance between chocolate and wafers. KitKats are one of those bars that just shouldn't be messed with. A fresh KK is probably my favorite candy bar.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Mmmmm, bacon and chocolate
In the meantime, Betsy sent me an email saying a colleague sent her a Vosges Mo's Bacon Bar. Yes, you read that right: chocolate and bacon. Here's the description from the website:
Crisp, buttery, compulsively irresistible bacon and milk chocolate combination has long been a favorite of mine. I started playing with this combination at the tender age of six while eating chocolate chip pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Beside my chocolate-laden cakes laid three strips of fried bacon, just barely touching a sweet pool of maple syrup. Just a bite of the bacon was too salty and yearned for the sweet kiss of chocolate syrup. In retrospect, perhaps this was a turning point, for on that plate something magical happened: the beginnings of a combination so ethereal and delicious that it would haunt my thoughts until I found the medium to express it--chocolate
Well, when you compare it to bacon with chocolate chip pancakes, you can almost see how this would be yummy. No word yet from Betsy on how it tasted. I'll certainly keep you posted.