When I first heard about the Elvis Peanut Butter and Banana Reese's about six months (maybe a year?) ago, I immediately spazzed out without doing my homework first. I looked everywhere for one, not realizing that they hadn't been released yet. When my search proved unfruitful, I called my mother-in-law, who lives in Memphis, and sent her off on a wild goose chase. She looked all over the place: the gift shop at Graceland, the airport, everywhere. Then I realized the error of my ways. Oops.
So when I got an email on Friday saying that a sneak preview of the Elvis Big Cup was coming my way, I just about jumped up and swiveled my hips. Sure enough, a package arrived at my door and let me tell you, I didn't waste a second. I muttered a quiet, "Please keep sleeping! Please keep sleeping!" up towards Henri's room and ripped into the box.
The wrapper says "Peanut Butter & Banana Creme," so I instantly got nervous. First of all, banana is a tricky flavor. It can be too banana-ey, too artificial. The word "creme" brought to mind an ooey-gooey concoction that I wasn't sure would be successful. But as it turned out, the "creme" was more of a ... what? Not chewy like a nougat. Not as solid as a white chocolate. Almost kind of like the texture of a York Peppermint Pattie, but not as sticky. I guess that's why they called it a creme, because there doesn't seem to be another suitable word.
The banana flavor wasn't overwhelming, and in fact, was very subtle. It almost disappears into the peanut butter flavor, but then you get a hit of it.
This isn't candy for the wimpy: it's definitely a big ol' hunk o' sweet -n- sugary. I gave one to my brother to try. (Admittedly, he doesn't have the most discerning palate.) He shoved a whole cup into his gaping maw and proclaimed, "Don't give this to a diabetic!" Words to the wise.
I really dig the Elvis cups, but I have to admit that I feel like there's something missing. Maybe it's because I have the idea of a pb & banana sandwich in my head. I almost feel like the cups should be grilled between two slices of bread. YUMMY! And I can definitely see the miniatures being baked into brownies. I may have to try that today.
So get ready. The Reese's Elvis Cups will be coming to a store near you on July 6. Whoa Mama!
7 months ago i heard about the Elvis Cups on a radio station during their "Elvis Week"
and now in the final month before the release, the anticipation is extreme
i have read some reviews and all, like yours, say that this is a good treat, i have found a site where i can order a box and so i will be getting a taste before most... really excited!!!
the elvis reese cup is now at the dollar general stores! they are limited, and the store only had 2 boxes. they are very sweet. one is enough, but they come a pack of two. Yummy! what a great idea! i bought all 43 that they had left! i plan to give them to freinds and family as gifts!!
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