I was sent this big bar because it is a "special Milton Hershey edition." (The only special thing about it is the picture of Milton Hershey on the back.) But apparently Milt and his wife Kitty set up a trust to help children in need and it's still going strong. Every time you buy a Hershey bar, some of the proceeds go toward helping a child break the cycle of poverty. Pretty cool.
I was also sent this info about Halloween:
- This year, for the first time ever, Hershey Kisses will be available in trick-or-treat sized bags
- Reese's will have bags of Snack Size Peanut Butter Cup Pumpkins (Cool! I need to find these.)
- Reese's Fast Break and Cookies 'n Creme will be available in Snack Size packages
- Houses with black shutters are 77 percent more likely to hand out Kit Kat Wafer Bars and trick-or-treaters have a 37 percent greater chance of scaring up a Kit Kat Wafer Bar from a ranch house.
- Reese's Peanut Butter Cup lovers should forego ranch houses and opt instead to ring the bell of two-story houses where they'll have a 26 percent greater chance of receiving the perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter.
- Knock on brown doors if seeking Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars. Trick-or-treaters have a 32 percent greater chance of receiving a Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar from homes with brown doors.
- [All statistics found according to the Opinion Research Corporation Omnibus Survey, December 2008, conducted on behalf of The Hershey Company.]
1 comment:
I have a one story with a white door, white shutters and white trim. We give out a jumble of Kit Kats, Reese's, and Snickers. Plus some mellowcremes and gummis for good measure.
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