From March 7, 2009 through Oct. 29, 2009, parents, teachers, community organizers and anyone who believes in the power of play can enter to win a residential ready-to-assemble playground, $3,500 cash and the opportunity to help designate a $30,000 KaBOOM! playground grant to a deserving community. Entry to win can be found on NESTLE and WONKA fun-size bags via a unique online entry code to use on www.NestleCrunch.com/CauseforPlay. For every entry, NESTLE CRUNCH will also donate up to $30,000 to KaBOOM! - a national non-profit organization dedicated to bringing play back into children's lives. Additionally, NESTLE CRUNCH is donating $70,000 to KaBOOM! to further their national mission.
But for you, my friends, if you'd like a chance to win your very own bucket of "Cause for Play" fun, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me about a favorite summer memory. It can be anything; I'll choose three lucky Yumsters on August 1, noon (EST). PLEASE don't sign in as anonymous, because then I'll have no way of contacting you. Leave me some way to get in touch with you. And please be a resident of the continental U.S. Good luck!
Wow, how cute!
My favorite summer memory? It would have to be being so poor that all we had to eat in our house was microwave popcorn. Although it was a tough time we got through it together! It was the best summer, ever.
Roller skating, Double dutch and writing on the sidewalk with the "Rolling Writer Pentel Chalk" Who could forget such great memories!
My fav summer memory was when I was little we used to go to my aunt's house and stay a couple of days. She would spoil us and make homemade cookies that was the best in the world!Also, she would tell us stories about "The good ol days." She is no longer living,but I have very fond memories of staying at her house! Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
My favorite candy summer memory is... At the end of every summer, my Mom’s side of the family has a big get together at my Uncle Joe’s house. Shortly after dinner time all the kids get to participate in the “candy toss” :D! One of the adults gets to sit in one of those house things attached to a swing set, with a huge box of candy. All the candy is single servings and wrapped :D Like little packs of skittles, nerds, dum dums etc. All the kids get a brown lunch bag. And then the adult gets to throw candy in the air and the kids scramble to pick it up :) At the end it always reminded me of Halloween. We dump out our loot (throw out any grass we snatched up by accident) and trade candies :D Oh, do you believe in magic, in a young girls heart!
My favorite non-candy summer memory is... Me and my little sister got pet toads every year :D It was really fun getting to run around in the woods looking for bark, rocks ect to put in their tank. We always made sure they had plenty of hiding places and kept it “clean”... I guess it’s hard to keep something filled with dirt clean :P But we would replace the dirt (eww poo!) And their little pool of water every few days :) Then we had to catch them bugs to eat everyday... crickets are soooooo speedy :o And if they eat fireflies/lightening bugs then their belly lights up, hee hee. I guess taking care of the toads was the first thing we were really responsible for :P
My favorite summer memory is my 7th birthday. Not only was it fun having so many friends around and playing games, but when we went to the park about a block away an impromptu downpour started. Fun memories. :)
Going swimming with all pals at my neighbor's swimming pool,then going over to my house for kool-aid and cookies :)
The summer I turned 19 was the best - high school was over and I had just started college. It was a very carefree summer. We swam, played darts and went on road trips. It was also the summer I met the boy who was to become my boyfriend and then husband.
It would have to be a pie my mom used to make with blueberries and bananas. It was cool and refreshing in those hot days.
Mine was going to visit our dad and he would take us to the lake and let us eat all kinds of junk, well do everything my mom would never let us do! Thanks for the chance.
My favorite summer memory is hanging out with all the kids my mom used to babysit when I was younger. We'd run to the ice cream man, we'd run around in bathing suits and spray each other with the hose, I had a rope swing we'd use, and so much. It was just good old kid fun!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
My fav. summer memory is roasting marshmallows over the campfire! Thanks for the giveaway!
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