Thursday, November 29, 2007
We Want Answers, Jelly Belly!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Chew on This!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
If I Rated Candy, These Would Get Five Golden Circus Peanuts (Yes, That's a Good Thing!)

My Proteges

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving '07: Chocolate Booze

Not Really a Post, Just Saying Hi
I'll also tell you how I came home to a big box o' candy that I'm completely gaga over.
But for now, the house is a mess and I have 2,000 words to write in my novel.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Random Candy Memory: Before She Was the Baroness, She Was the Best Friend
So this weekend, I opened up the von Schokolats' pantry and what did I see? A case of Orbit gum. Some things never change.
I hope everyone's having a lovely Thanksgiving. I'm full to the gills with turkey and stuffing and several slices of Grammy's awesome banana bread.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Let's All Chip In and Hire Shan the Man!

And You Thought Diamonds Were a Girl's Best Friend?

On the Wings of a Dove (Okay, lame, I know... just couldn't think of anything creative)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Is Nothing Sacred?
"Topps is a brand that's in the brain-waves of about 70 years of the American male. I can take that affinity and turn it into a sports-media company. Topps has many assets, and Bazooka has Bazooka Joe, and I could have fun making a Bazooka Joe movie."
Why is Bazooka Joe always wearing an eye patch in the mini comic strip that comes wrapped around the gum? This is what we are going to find out in the movie.
Wasn't he a bit of a delinquent? He wasn't faithful to his girlfriend, Zena, if I recall. He was not a delinquent. If he wasn't faithful to his girlfriend, by the way, he wasn't 25 years old and married with three kids. It's O.K. She'll survive. It's good for her.
I think you need to update him and make him more of a feminist. Well, maybe he will be. We haven't written it yet.
Well, this is what I have to say: Hands off the Bazooka, Mickey Mouse. It's a classic and doesn't need to be sullied by your corporate money-grubbing hands.
Where Did My Life Go?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Elves Make Cookies; Fairies Make Bread

Confectionery 101
Did You Know?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Today's Gift Idea

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Weekend Catch-Up
I went to Borders to try and find this so-called Babysitters' Club series, but all they had were graphic novels. Does anyone know if they still make the books?
June and I went to Chocopologie for lunch yesterday. We were supposed to go to the Chocolate Show in New York (as I mentioned) but too many things conspired against it. So instead we had lunch and really yummy hot chocolate. June got homemade marshmallows with hers and they were yummy delicious-- not as soft as either of us expected. They had a good body to them.
What else? I could swear there was something else to report. It'll come to me as soon as I log off. Oh no, wait! There it is!
June and I stopped by the Taste of Holland store since we were in the area and I was so excited to see that they had these boxes of sprinkles and chocolate shavings for bread. My Australian friend Deb was telling me that little kids love to have "fairy bread"-- white bread with butter and sprinkles. It was hard to imagine until I saw the picture on the box. Very cute!
My Life in Fiction

Art on Candy!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Gift Guide '07

Just a Bunch of Stuff
Second, I've been informed that National Cookie Week starts on Nov. 18. Woohoo!
Lastly, I heard a commercial on the radio for the UK Gourmet a few towns over from me. Apparently they have Sticky Toffee Cheese! Sounds sooo interesting. I plan on taking a field trip with Sue, MKAFFGGF, some time after Thanksgiving. While there, I'll be certain to stock up on the British Dark Kit Kats.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Mr. Lolly's Website
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
This Is Why I Loved Working With Alexandra

Real Life Halloween Horrors!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Christmas is Coming!
I really have to purge my house of all this miscellaneous Halloween candy. (I never thought I'd say that!)
Anyhow, I'm putting together a Holiday Gift Giving Guide with all sorts of candy themed things, so if you have anything you'd like to include, send me a note!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
How They Do Halloween Up North

The Von Schokolats were out in full force this Halloween. Look closely-- those are three FULL SIZE bags of peanut M&Ms! Also some fun stuff like Cheetos, Oreos, pretzels and some weird Spiderman thing.
Liesel Von Schokolat was a very scary goth vampire. Gretel Von Schokolat went as a gymnast. Hmmm. That goes against my costume policy. I'll have to talk to her about that.
On the Good Ship Green Fairy Pop

Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
The Results Are In!
And Last, But Not Least ...

And Now, The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

Over the River and Through the Woods...

The First Halloween Haul

on his first Halloween go-around. Let's see, there were Twizzlers, Bottle Caps, Mike and Ikes, lollipops of various kinds, Laffy Taffy, Sweetarts, Kit Kats, Hershey bars, and the two big coups: Goldfish and a candy necklace.
Then there were the non-edible goods: a waterbottle, stickers, a notepad, three pencils, a glow stick (not really a great idea considering all this made in China crap of late), and of course, the very popular American flag.
Child Labor