I've seen the Wildly Cherry M&Ms lots of times, but I never bought them because cherry usually isn't my thing. Oh sure, I like cherry Life Savers, and I loved cherry Bubble Yum, but in general, nah. But the Baroness found these and brought back a package for us all to try. Here's what I liked about them: the size. They're slightly bigger and rounder than regular old M&Ms, so you get a bigger bite out of them. Here's what I hated: the taste. It was like a Robitussin-flavored candy. Yeecch. I, however, was in the minority. Everyone else really liked them. So there you go. Don't pay attention to my opinion, because apparently, I don't know what I'm talking about.

When I found the Chocolate Take 5 at the scary K-Mart, I also saw Skittles Carnival Bubble Gum. I thought this would be a fun surprise for the wee von Schokolats, so I picked up a box. The flavors are cotton candy, candy apple, pink lemonade, gumball and berry-go-round. (Note: I forgot what the flavors were, so I just looked it up on the Skittles website which has got to be one of the most annoying sites EVER. The different products "drive" by and you have to click on them if you want to learn more, but they're going so fast you can't even tell what's what. And there are mushrooms up in the corner-- what's up with that? Apparently they're trying to give Skittles a trippy image, but is that really what they should be marketing to kids?? Can someone from Skittles please get back to me on this. I really am curious.) Anyhow ...
Here's the thing with Skittles gum, as explained by Gretl von Schokolat:
"They look like regular candy Skittles and when you chew them, they have that same disappearing texture, so you feel like you're eating candy. But then all of a sudden, it turns into gum and that's really weird."
Very astute observation, little Gretl. You're so right. So taste-wise, these were pretty good, but the whole candy/gum conundrum was disturbing. A disappointing candy day, to be sure, but there would always be tomorrow ...
(Can't you just feel the suspense?!)
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