Some men bring their wives flowers. Last night, Mr. Goodbar brought me home a piece of licorice. In his pocket. With nothing to protect it from the atmospheric gnarl that one tends to accumulate in his jacket pocket. Fortunately, his pockets are much cleaner than say, mine, which are littered with raisins, receipts, stickers, leaves and a domino.
The licorice in question was procured from his boss, who has a keen taste for Australian licorice. I had been warned that this wasn't the freshest piece (pocket gnarl not withstanding), so I was to judge it with that in mind.
Let me just say, it was a darn good piece o' licorice. Like a sophisticated Twizzler. Thankfully, very unlike Finnish licorice. It was sweet and chewy with just the right amount of bite to it. I haven't delved very deeply into the world of licorice, but this inspired me. Stay tuned for more!
1 comment:
So like a boy! Or a Mom LOL.
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