You'd better watch your back 'cuz I'm gonna kick your ass. You see, I was looking for a new cupcake recipe to try for the Sugar Baby's birthday. Last year I made Magnolia cupcakes and they were delicious, but a bit labor-intensive. So I scoured the Web and saw your recipe. My first thought was, "No way am I going to make a recipe from Amy Sedaris." But then I read some reviews that were generally positive (including one that said this was the ideal birthday cupcake), so I thought, what the hay!
If I had been looking to make vanilla-flavored cornbread, these would be ideal. A scone in a cupcake shape? These are them. But a true-blue, spongy light vanilla birthday cupcake this is not. So the night before the party, I was faced with the fact that I didn't have a single yummy cupcake for the Sugar Baby to enjoy on his second birthday. I obsessed all night and woke up at five a.m. This, Amy Sedaris, is what was wrought:

Yes indeedy, I whipped up a whole new batch of cupcakes-- chocolate, this time-- because I couldn't bear to subject my guests to the vanilla ones. (I did anyhow, because in the end, the chocolate ones weren't much better.)
But I learned my lesson. I'm now the laughingstock of the entire village. The legend of the rock cupcakes will travel far and wide, and I'll be the loser Mom who brings Munchkins to the first grade bake sale.
Have a great day!
Madame Yum Yum
(P.S. Fine. He liked them well enough. He ate three before any guests even got here. But still.)
I always knew Amy Sedaris was a poser! She owes the H-man a personal apology.
thanks for the kind words, I'll add your link to my blog! best, Imani
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