It's just a mere matter of weeks before Candy Yum Yum! turns 6 years old! I can't believe it. It's actually more like 5 years, because I missed a whole year while I was pregnant, but whatever ... It's time to celebrate! So dear Yumsters, to thank you for your loyalty to all things yummy, I'm having my biggest giveaway ever. One lucky reader-- or maybe two (I haven't decided yet), will receive a big box o' Candy Yum Yum love. Some of it's a surprise, but I can tell you it will include Dove, Hershey's and Wrigley goodies.
So how do you get your name in the running for this fantabulous surprise? Leave me a comment saying
what you'd like to read more of at Candy Yum Yum! in the next year. Here are the deets: please leave me a way to contact you if your name is picked (in other words, don't sign in as anonymous; you can leave your Google name); and you must live in the continental U.S.
I'll pick the lucky recipient on May 29 at approximately 9 p.m. EST. Good luck to all! I can't wait to hear from you!
I'd like to see more candy giveaways. hur hur hur.
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
AT LAST - another candyholic in the crowd!! YAY!! Omg I luvs candy please I beg you pick me LOL
And I'd love to read about Vegan or Organic Candy choices :) And I think you should dedicate a special section to Reese's PB Cups! LOL
anything to do with candy is fine with me- I love to read about the older candies and the new ones that are coming out- but are they knew or just spinoffs of old discontinued candy...
I guess I'll be the first one to post.
I'd love to see more articles about the history of candy...like when some of it came out, how it was discovered or little trivia about different candy brands and types.
Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I love to read about foreign and organic candy! YUM!
I'd like to hear memories of candies eaten as a child.
I would like to see some information about candies around the world.
clynsg at yahoo.com
Love candy. So bad for my teeth, but who cares!!!!!!!!!!
anything chocolate sounds good to me. :)
I like to see candy reviews. Especially new products that are easy for us regular folks to find!
I miss some of the older candy from my youth that you can't find anymore...or can you? Remember Razzles and Garbage Pail kids? Are they still around. I'd love to see some posts about "vintage" candy. I wish I still had my collection of Partridge Family trading cards; remember how the gum in those trading cards tasted like cardboard?
shel704 at aol dot com
Happy Anniversary, Candy Yum Yum!!! (Please don't send us any candy, however.) Happy Birthday, Sugar Baby!!! I'd like to see you become even more famous in the Candy Blogosphere!
I like you to see if you couldn't get a discount code (like 20% off?) for your readers for either Dylan's Candy Shop or See's Candies, or both.
Alicia Webster
tung ton
timgus at cox dot net
food giveaways are so rare, why is that?
I want to hear more about SUGABABY! lol Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm sure now that the Sugar Baby is 3, we'll be reading about more of his candy adventures :)
I like to read more of recipes of candy making!
I'd love to hear about the best candies on Etsy, as well as the latest/greatest Japanese candy!
alison_luby at hotmail dot com
I think it would be fun if you did stuff that was a little more... interactive with candy? Don’t know if that makes sense :P Like maybe arts and crafts type things? So you’ve eaten all your starburst candy and have a bunch of colorful wrappers left over... what do you do? Make an awesome candy wrapper bracelet, WOOT! **points to link**
Saving the world one wrapper at a time :D
I know it would take a lot of time on your part ... **does puppy dog eyes** ... but maybe you could find some recipes for making home made candy, make it yourself, take pictures of each step as you do them and the finished product. Then you could perhaps taste test it and review it :D Tell us how yummy or nonedible it was and if you thought it was hard to make or not. Yup yup ^_^ Store bought can’t beat something that was made with love :D
More sales and promotions. Maybe some samples from companies.
I would like to see more variety of candy
I love candy. Gimme more.
Thomas I.
Coming to your site to enter this contest is my first visit to your site. I have read the previous entries and they have some great ideas of other things you can do on your site! I look forward to seeing some of their suggestions put into the site.
I would love a bunch of recipes on how to make candy with pictures included. I have always wanted to make my own. Plus maybe various articles on chocolate from around the world.
Samples and giveaways are my favorites.
I'd love to see some recipes with chocolate! Yum!
hebert024 at aol dot com
I'd like to see more reviews of vegan candy! Thanks
oooh candy, my fav food group! ;)
I'd love to see some more international candy reviews, I love candy from all over the world. Thanks!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I love candy giveaways!!
I'd like to see some Pinatas of Candy offered. Thanks for the chance.
I'd like to see more posts on older candies, the goodies I used to love as a child.
I like reading about memories of candies eaten as a child
Anything Chocolate!
You can write about ny candy,never met a candy I didn't like. jelly15301@gmail.com
Happy Anniversary! In the coming year I would like to read more reviews and articles about both nostalgic and small-production/regional candy. I love the reviews and stories, so best wishes for many more years to come!
I would like to see more pictures/cross sections of candy. The more pictures the better. Congratulations on 6 years!
how about more on organic candy and if certain candies are from china
I'd like to see more recipes made with candy, or make your own imitations!!
I would like to see more about candy from other cultures.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I want to read more stories about how you find some of these candies/chocolates you blog about. I swear half the time some of them are made up! But then you go and surprise me with details.
Yeah for Candy Yum Yum!
Mr. Goodbar's cousin!
I would like to hear more about chocolate and literature, movies and folklore. Perhaps trivia quizzes, e.g., "Who starred in Chocolat?" or something more inventive than that... just an example. Or more about your charming sister, Bazooka Betsy.
it would be great to see more recipes for candy! neenee838@yahoo.com
I'd like to hear more about some of the good old candy-makers and candy companies. Happy Anniversary!
I would love to see some reviews of sugar free candy. I am surrounded by family members with diabetes and they all miss candy!
smchester at gmail dot com
I would like to see a article on candy with no artifical ingredients.
1bmore @ gmail . com
I've been reading this blog for a while, about two years, and have never commented, because it's so damned good, but I'd like to see more reviews, a la Jim's Chocolate Mission, of regional candies, and discontinued candies...perhaps some funny candy photos.
Cross sections are always great, too. I love it when you do interviews and giveaways, of course, ;) but the reviews are fantastic.
Organizationally, it is smashing! And I can't believe another human found those damned Twilight hearts...
Thanks again, and happy birthday. :)
Eeeek, could you combine my posts? I remembered a few more things. :)
In the sidebars, I'd love to see a generic tag- like "reviews" instead of just the brands, and definitely more photos! What I'm most reminded of is your Elvis Banana Creme PB Cup brownies...I salivated for a photo of those!
I would like to see more on small batch artisanal candy makers.
Pick me :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I would like to see retro candies and candies from around the world.
oh i would like to see something on the "healthiest" candy. We all have a weakness for junk food but some is bad to be better for you than others
Oh wow - as I'm dying to win, I will do my best to give useful feedback :)
1) I see a lot of people wanting reviews of foreign candy. I disagree slightly, because while I am interested in seeing what else is out there, if I can't try it without paying $$$ for shipping or flying to across the world, then I'm not that interested...just jealous that you tried it.
2) Here's what I want: more timely reviews. Sometimes I've already tried a "new" candy that you're reviewing. I completely that candy is often rolled out regionally, and thus it can be harder to get your hands on. But if you became some type of candy insider and got a few sources within Hershey's/Cadbury/etc., this blog would be way above any other blog (this is my fav candy blog regardless).
Good luck, with all these recommendations, and think of me :)
I'd love to see some candy recipes with step-by-step instructions and pictures!
I just found this blog tonight. I'd like to see more posts on anything candy! Especially chocolate!
So when I was in Bahrain whilst in the Navy I fell in LOVE with Galaxy bars. Made by Mars and exported by a company in Dubai, Galaxy bars are heavenly! They are WAY YUM YUM candy! I recently found a British supermarket near me, and they had the delightful bits of wonder there for awhile, but alas, they are not importing them any longer. So I would like to hear what you think of Galaxy choclates.
more about choc-o-late
I would love to read about popular candies in other countries.
Actually, I think the content is fine as it is. Maybe a few more reviews on any type of candy... I don't really care what type of candy it is, as long as it is candy! Also, I would love to see some more pictures with each post!
More history on candy. I love the ol time candy!
Oh my goodness, I am soooo thrilled to see this contest. And happy 6th! Candy has always been my passion. Especially anything chocolate.
I remember racing my sister to the candy aisle in the store to grab more Sweet Tart packs than she did. :-) And I always traded my non-chocolate Easter candy to my little brother for his hollow bunny 'cause he didn't know any better. :-)
Blog content... I'd love to see tons and tons of recipes that use chocolate. Otherwise everything's great as is!
recipes or creative ideas are great! (and so is free candy! ;-))
I'd like to see more about candy from other countries
I'd like to read more about unique hard to find candy intimeatmyself.com
I would like to read more about favorite candies of childhood. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I'd love more articles about the history of candy.
techyone at gmail dot com
Staci T:
staci1943 at yahoo dot com
I hope I win!
I'd love to see recipes for candy and/or recipes with candy in them!
I would like to see all kinds of giveaways.
I'd like to see where you find old fashioned candy like penny candy from 50 years ago! Thanks!!
I'd like to see more information on Sugar Free Candy. Also recipes that use candy. My husband is a Reese Peanut butter cup freak (and my grandson). I would also like to quit smoking and sugar free menthol candy would be a help.
This sounds like my type of giveaway !
I would love to read more about older candies and where they might be available to purchase.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I would like to read more about the history of different candy
Oh my there can never be enough candy. I would like information on the candy of old days (penny candy, etc.) sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
Dare I say...even more candy?
Haha. Thanks for the giveaway
I would like to see a feature where the readers are interviewed about their favorite candies. I think that would be cool! I would also like to see where you can buy those hard to find candies and maybe giveaways from those companies. If you could have them sponser! I love candy of all kinds! I am really excited about this wonderous sugary goodness giveaway!
The more info about sweets from around the world would be grand...extra bonus points if they are organic!! Your site is wonderful. Best wishes for many more years.
YUMMMM Candies!!! :) Thanks for the contest! :)
I would love to know the backgrounds of how certain candies came about. I saw the history of chocolate on discovery and it was so interesting! How about how hard candies were invented and my favorites tootsie rolls. Who came up with the idea for tootsie rolls? Also how to make your own candy that is close to the good store bought kinds.
I would like to read more about the history of different brands of candy.
CANDY,CANDY AND MORE CANDY would be great! thanks!
I would also like to see my candy recipes with pictures!
I'd like to see more talk about foreign candy and how to get your hands on it. I am always on the look out for something new!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I would like to read about how candy is made.
I love candy! Especially chocolate. Retro candy is really big right now and I'd love to get some recipes on how to make some of these candies.
I would love to see some candy info for kids who are allergic to nuts like my son. I hate having him feel left out when the kids are having a chocolate treat and there has to be someone out there!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
I have a daughter with diabetes. I would love to see a section on sugar free candy. Some reviews by real live people regarding taste, aftertaste, carbs, etc. It would be so helpful!
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
I would love to see more info on eco-friendly, fair trade, and organic treats :)
I would love to see info about candy from other cultures-
I'd love to see info on discontinued candies and there substitute such as what is the nearest replacement to the Marathon bars from the '80s
Candy variety packs and giveaways, contests and discounts.
I'd like to read more about classic candies, like the ones we grew up with. maybe even a little history lesson, who knows?? could be interesting.
I like to read about the older candies and where they originated from!
I would like to see something about "vintage" candy and how it was made way back when.
I'd like to see more on organic and fair trade candies.
fishercl at email dot unc dot edu
Happy Anniversary, Candy Yum Yum!
I love your site!
Would love to read more 'chocolate' reviews on your site!
And more 'giveaways' would be sweet!
Thanks for the 'great' giveaway offering and good luck to all!
I would love to see more about reeses or peanut butter in candy yummy
I love reading about the nostalgic candy and anything new and fun for my daughter. She loves whenever I can find a new candy.
casib69 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would also love to see more recipes that have candy in it!
I would like to see you address the fact that people who like dark chocolate feel that they are better than those who like milk chocolate. I would like you to tell them that it is a matter of taste. And that they're probably lying about prefering dark chocolate so that they look more sophisticated.
i love candy and candy reviews!!!
I like nutrition/calories listed for candy as I must diet but I love candy! Great giveaway! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
I like finding candy again that I had eaten as a child so anything about discovering old favorites, etc. is great!
I would like to see more about candy from all over the world!!
I'd love to read about foreign candy lezanac@yahoo.com
I would say more of the same! I love posts like the Halloween Hierarchy and I love reviews (I want some TimTams.) And the humor is wonderful--circus peanuts--LOL.
I love foreign candy so I would love to learn about more great candy from all over the world and also it would be great to have themes like diet candy, nut, fruit, dark chocolate, etc.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'd love to read about the history of different candies.
big fan of candies with alternative sugars - you know, anything you can stuff your face full of and not feel so sick afterwards :)
I would love to here more about the history of candy. Your blog is great!
shopalgood (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd love to see more candy reviews, especially of new stuff that comes out. Then maybe you could have a giveaway for whatever new candy you are reviewing. That would be fun. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
I am curious about different candies from different countries and cultures.
I live for candy---I'm so glad I found you--I would love to find out more about foreign candies --maybe list countries and the candies they have--my sister travels all over the world and being the good sister that she is--she always sends me a care package of different candies from her travels. If I new what was good I could tell her ahead of time "Oh you're going to Belgium bring me back a..." etc---Oh and I love Circus Peanuts!
I'ld like to read more about fair trade candy. Thanks for the giveaway!
some of the newer ones coming out thanks for the giveaway
I would love to see more about the candies I grew up with in the 40's & 50's. If they are still around, what they were, and how maybe to order them now. I love all things CANDY.
Thank you for a great giveaway! I like to read about history or candy making articles. so more of that would be nice. Thank you
More candy recipes would be fantastic. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I certainly love contests but I also would like to learn more about foreign candies -- I'm always fascinated about what satisfies people's sweet tooth in other countries :-)
Some more of the history of candy making would be nice.
clynsg at yahoo.com
I'd like to learn more about different candy's lolol
I'd love to see more about unique and weird candy! :)
id love for the penny candy to make a comeback :)~~
Recipes would be great :)
I'd love to learn more about foreign candy, since my Swedish friend is always bragging about how great the candy is in Sweden.
I would like to read more about classic candy bars and advertisements. garrettsambo@aol.com
I would like to see info about sugar free candy. My husband is diabetic. I hate eating candy in front of him.
Chocolate, and lots of it, please!!
More vintage candy and where to find it.
I would LOVE more CANDY contests!
I'd also like to learn about candy from other countries. Also, recipes using candy.
I would like to learn about candy that is popular in different regions. Easy recipes would be appreciated, too. Thanks!
I would love to see more about sugar free & fat free candies!
OH! Lots more reviews & giveaways too!
I'd love to read more reviews and history of different candies.
I love giving candy to my children especially as a "rewarding" prize! I am a candy feen as well..haha!
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
more candy giveaways
I agree with the comments about wanting candy history and trivia and discount codes for candy. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would love to see more candy contests. =0D
I'd love to read about more vegan candy!
I would like to read more about international candies. Thank you!!
Love to read about retro candy. Would love to know what happened to the "Marathon Bar".
I'd like to read more on recipes for candy making!I'm always interested in any kind of recipes.
I would like candy recipes!
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