There's been a lot going on around here this summer. Or rather, not around here, but everywhere else. We've been on the road a lot and I have all sorts of random candy tidbits to share.
First of all, we spent a week with the von Schokolats and extended family, at which time we divided into two teams and had a huge scavenger hunt. One of the items on the list was a package of
Coconut M&Ms. The Baroness was the only one who found them. First she went to Rite Aid, but no luck. Then she went to the dollar store, where she found a display for them, but it was empty. She somehow managed to find the last package in the store. So it was 2 points for the Evil Knievel team. Woo hoo!* Overall, they were a hit. I thought they had that fake suntan lotion kind of coconut taste, so I was a bit disappointed. I don't have a picture, because somewhere along the way, the package got used as a coaster.
During that same trip, "Uncle Subtle" found a candy store and bought me a present:
a licorice pipe and Mary Janes. Um, trying to tell me something in code? Nice. (In fact, he had never had Mary Janes before which led to a discussion about them. As they're made by Necco, I suppose they might be a New England thing. I thought everyone knew what Mary Janes were.)
Unfortunately, our 2 points for the Coconut M&Ms were negated by the 10 points the Baron won in the drinking contest and the eating contest--Five lobsters in one sitting-- and the 2.5 points won by Uncle Subtle in the marshmallow-and-toothpick construction contest.]

Not really candy, but sweet nonetheless: Bazooka Betsy gave No-Nuts a giant box of
fortune cookies that she's been saving from all her Chinese take out. Unfortunately, due to the extreme humidity, the cookies became so soft we were able to unfold them into perfect circles. So No-Nuts decided to do a craft project with the fortunes. Strangely enough, there were no duplicates. Perhaps they really are one-of-a-kind fortunes! (Art project is not shown. Actually, art project was never really made.)

And lastly, my partner-in-crime put together a goodie bag for me to get me through the many long drives I've made this summer. Check out these British beauties:
Smart Alecs, Aero, Bounty, Milky Bar, Lion, Lee's Chocolate Mint and Galaxy Caramel. I had the Aero on a night I was particularly craving chocolate and it was blissful. I don't understand why Aero bars don't have less calories than other candy bars, though. It seems like they should, considering they're filled with tiny air bubbles. The Galaxy Caramel was particularly exciting, because I've never had one and a friend recently recommended it. She said she had them all the time while she was serving overseas and hasn't had them since then. All I can say is: YUM. This was like the Caramello of yore, when they were actually good and not grainy. The chocolate was smooth and the caramel was all flowy. So good. So there you have it, a few sweet tidbits to start off your week. What about you? Do you have any candy news to share?
I was disappointed the coconut M&Ms didn't have tiny flakes or a coconut center. I did like that they were a bit bigger and rounder than the plain ones. The only place we could find them was at Walgreens.
All your candy bars make me miss the Orion bars in the Czech Republic.
"Unfortunately, due to the extreme humidity, the cookies became so soft we were able to unfold them into perfect circles."
I wanna try that now :)
I haven't been able to find the Coconut M&Ms either :( They had them listed as being on sale in my local super markets paper but I never saw them. I went to another store and they just had an empty display too! Gonna try Target later this week **crosses fingers**
I invited candy collectors from all over to showcase their huge collections of M&Ms memorabilia. Check out the collections starring Red, Yellow, Blue and Green!
Amanda, yes, I was hoping they'd have flakes of toasted coconut. Oh well...
I was wondering what the art project was going to be? ^_^ Maybe I could do it :D I save all the fortunes I get!
Philly, she was going to collage the fortunes onto a piece of cardboard and then draw a Chinese symbol over it and frame it.
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