Let's start with the easy one: pre-packaged. These are the baskets that are sold at drug stores. They usually contain cheap candy and even cheaper toys. These are a travesty and should be banned from the earth forever. Under no circumstances should you ever buy one of these, unless you are Eastern Orthodox and your Easter happens to fall a week later than everyone else and they're the only things left on the shelves.
An Old Skool Easter basket must contain at least three of the following:
- Plastic Easter grass that gets everywhere
- Chocolate bunny (hollow is fine; bonus points if it's driving a race car or holding a carrot)
- Big fat jelly beans-- a bag of mixed colors and a bag of black
- Peeps
- Those weird eggs that have a candy shell and mysterious marshmallowy-type center
- Foil-wrapped chocolate eggs
- Malted milk eggs
- Panoramic sugar eggs
- Paddle ball
- Stuffed bunny
- Play Doh, chalk or bubbles

- A really good quality bunny, definitely solid
- "Gourmet" jelly beans
- Homemade marshmallows
- Truffle eggs
- DVDs
Yes! I totally agree with you on the horrid prepackaged baskets. When I see people buying those at the store I want to walk up to them and ask, "Really, do you even love your children?"
My mom made the greatest baskets when I was a kid. There was usually a Barbie in the center and the jellybeans always managed to graviate under the plastic grass.
Yes! I loved digging through the grass and finding those last few jelly beans. Bonus if they were black!
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