In the meantime, you can also enter the Candy Yum Yum Ghirardelli Giveaway. I have four baskets of Ghirardelli Squares to send to some lucky Yumsters. All you have to do is leave a comment here telling me where your favorite "square" is. (I'd have to say mine is a tie between St. Mark's in Venice and St. George's in Bermuda.)
Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you in case you're a winner (that means don't post your comment anonymously!) I'll pick four recipients at midnight on May 18. (Continental U.S. residents only.) Good luck!
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for entering!
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»There is actually a place called Red Square on the University of Washington campus is is gorgeous and has an amazing view of Mt. Rainier.
Triumph square in Sevilla, Spain.
I would have to say that my favourite "square" would have to be my brothers home in Kalapana Hawaii. The town of Kalapana was taken by the flow of lava, yet it hasn't taken the beautiful people who remember what it once was. Kilauea (the volcano) is still active to this day and you can see the lava flowing from his home. The area in beautiful...away from the sounds of civilization...just the thoughts of laying on a hammock listening to the birds and ocean makes mme smile and my heart sing!!
Im in NE so there is not a local place that makes this chocolate. We did buy some that was peanut butter chocolate. It was to die for! kraftykashATyahooDOTcom
Awesome (and tasty) giveaway!
I like the Intense Dark Midnight Reverie singles.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
as a new yorker i would have to say times square thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
the center of our downtown- it has markets and festivals
Being in NJ and close to NY, I'd have to say my favorite square is "Times Square". It's funny, I lived in NJ all my life and really didn't visit NY until the past few years. (I'm now in my 40's). I am so much like a tourist each time I go there and get so excited.
This is such a great prize. I really LOVE Ghirardelli Chocolates. Thanks so much.
Madison Square gardens is my favorite square.
Columbia Square in Savannah GA.
My favorite square is K street and Connecticut in Washington, DC. The center of all the lobbyist bs.
sweetscove at gmail dot com
I love Market Square in Portsmouth NH
There is a little square in the town where I went to High school. It is just north of Chicago by about 45 minutes.
I don't have a favorite square but our small town as a local coffee shop that is a great hangout for locals and their dogs. They don't sell chocolate unfortunately :(
Times Square would be my favorite
I love Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland Oregon!
smchester at gmail dot com
Our square in downtown Paris TX with Culbertson Fountain in the middle! Vey pretty with trees and manicured grounds around it!
My favourite Square is Forsyth Square (Park) in my hometown of Savannah, Georgia! There are beautiful azaleas, oaks, magnolias, and the world-famous fountain, of course!
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
My favorite would be here in Washington. Kent is the second oldest city in Washington and the town square is very neat.
Rittenhouse Square in Philly
flyergal82 at yahoo (dot) com
St. Marks in Venice because my husband proposed to me on the venetian island of burano. LOVE that city!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I would have to say Times Square in New York City, so exciting!
This may seem too obvious but my favorite Square is Times Square- it's where I was born!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Madison Square Garden
melissabecker at gmaildotcom
Capital Square, its a really nice area thats downtown madison wi. by the capital building.
My favorite square is San Marco in Venice! Even with all of the pigeons, it's just beautiful to sit and sip a cappuccino and people watch.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My favorite square is Market Square in Houston.
I would have to say times square. gbloganx(AT)aol(DOT)com
Times Square is my favorite.
My favorite square is Times Square.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
My favorite square is Central Square in Boston. Thank you for your consideration. moldrites@yahoo.com
I enjoy their squares in the evening while reading in my den.
My favorite square is Central Square in Boston. Thank you for your consideration. moldrites@yahoo.com
Not actually a square, but I like Fairmount park in Philly.
My favorite is Times Square.
My towns downtown 4 Corners 'square', lots of evernts happen there
I like Times Square.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
My favorite square is the courthouse square here in the middle of my hometown. It is beautiful, historic, and most of our city's major events happen around it. Thanks, Rhonda
St Peter's Square in Rome.
times square is the best square!!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Times square would be my fav.
I loev the mint squares most! I got some for christmqs and i savored them for the longest time because they are so good. If I had a bad day that was totally my pick me up!
I like the square in downtown San Francisco
I always enjoy Union Square in San Francisco. Right down the street from the Ghirardelli shop!
mike.karr at gmail.com
The town of London with its' mile square.
Goodies! Send mine here:
My favorite square is Red Square in Moscow. A beautiful place with all those "onion" domes glittering in the sunlight.
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
My favorite square is Trafalgar Square in London, England. It is near the London Gallery and St Martins in the Field and is a fun place to go.
nanoarta1 at gmail dot com
The beach in Kauai where we got married! seraphou@aol.com
Do piazzas count as "squares?" If so, mine is the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome, where the Pantheon is.
Ooh yummy :) I like Times Square :) of course! Especially since I used to live in NYC. Thanks so much, I love Ghiradelli.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
hmm, I don't usually pick favorites. But I did love the square in Venice as well!
Times Square, although I've never been there, but would love to one day.
My favorite square is here in downtown Denver by the courthouse where the hubby and I eloped to 9 years ago.
Ours is Time Square. Always something exciting going on there
Times Square in NYC.
I would say Times Square in New York. Talk about a diverse people.
There is a shopping mall near me named Richardson Square Mall..that would be my favorite square.
eswright18 at gmail.com
I was going to say Milk and Caramel square but I don't think that is what you are looking for. My favorite "square" would have to be Seville Square in Pensacola, FL.
I love them all, but Telfair Square in Savannah, Georgia has to be one of my favorites!
Triumph square in Sevilla, Spain
Copley Square- in my favorite American city, Boston.
I'm not very original, but I've been to Times Square. :)
My favorite square is my boyfriend. We are so boring together, but we work!
I'd love to go to Trafalgar Square in London. I've always wanted to go to England as I am part English. I've never been outside of the USA and that would be a GREAT place to start!
mensatic at comcast dot net
I'm confused: My favorite Chocolate square is the dark chocolate mint: Physical location? Boston's Liberty Square.writer61@yahoo.com
St. Mark's in Venice, definitely!
None, nearby, but St. Perter's Square in Vatican City would be my choice to visit
My favorite square is our city's square in the middle of town. It's a cute little square park with a lake on the side.
sphinxcw at aol dot com
Times Square is my favorite.
Times Square for sure.
Thanks for the chance.
Originally from NJ I spendt many days roaming the streets of NYC, now live in the Pacific Northwest and I miss "Times Square" may fav square!
I like 60% dark
My favorite square is Children's Square USA...they do a great job to help troubled kids.
My favorite square is the market square in my mother's small home town in Bavaria, Germany, especially on the weekends when they have the markets there!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
My fave will always be Trafalga Square in London. Haven't been in 15 years but, still my fave!
Times Square
Time's Square! Oh how it has changed since the first time I was there in the late 80s!!
sounds amazing
You can't beat Times Square for excitement.
I don't know if I have ever been to a square...wait, yes I have the square in my college town of Macomb, Illinois. So that wins by default.
I'll pick Times Square even though I've never been there.
Copley Square mall in Boston!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
My favorite square is a ghiradelli square! lol no seriously, Triumph Square in Sevilla, Spain is beautiful!
Definitely Times Square
Definitely St.Mark's Square in Venice!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
My favorite is Times Square.
My favorite 'square' is the White Vanilla Dream
brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com
I'll have to say Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco since that's the one I visit most often.
My favorite square is in Quincy, Illinois, where The sixth debate between Douglas and Abraham Lincoln was held in 1858. Lincoln lost that race for the senate.
My "square" experience is limited, so I have to go with Times Square in NYC - but I would love to travel to some of the other famous squares in the world!
wilburnnewsome at (yahoo.com)
My favorite square is not entirely square, but beautiful. It is the old town square in Prague, where the Clock Tower and the statue of Jan Hus are found. It has all these winding side streets, full of shops with ice cream and pastries. I spent so much time there. I never felt bad about skipping class to go eat ice cream when I stayed in Prague. (amajan at gmail)
My favorite square is St. Marks in Venice. Beautiful!
I loved Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco. I'm a California girl (now living in Oregon) who hasn't been very many places. I love Ghirardelli Chocolate and I love the Bay Area. and, I'm so glad I found your yummy site :)
I'm quite partial to Museumplein or museum square in Amsterdam. Home of the Rijksmuseum, Stedelijkmuseum and Van Gogh Museum.
I'm gonna go with Times Square... you can stand there all day and there will always be something 'new' to see
I live in a city full of squares..Savannah GA. My favorite one though would have to be Oglethorpe Square
I have many happy memories from Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, coincidentally! Every time I went there I had one of your fabulous ice cream concoctions and always bought chocolate to take home with me.
I'd have to say San Marco Square in Venice, Italy.
My favorite square is my hubby. Kidding! (mostly!) My favorite square is Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia.
Times Square, New York City is a great place to sit on a bench and just observe.
Fountain Square, Cincinnati, OH
Dark and Mint or Dark and Raspberry...too hard to choose!
At my alma mater I loved sitting in Trombley Square reading/studying and just hanging out with friends.
It is such a beautiful & peaceful place for a college campus!
"Times" in NYC
The Ghirardelli Milk & Caramel sound PERFECT.
This is my kind of giveaway. Thanks!
My local for corners!
I like Victorian Square in Lexington.
Times Square New York City. I love that city.
My favorite square is the Dark & Raspberry
Jackson Square (Place d'Armes)in New Orleans, Louisiana.
hmm...fountain square in cincinnati.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
My favorite squares from Ghiradelli are the Dark and Raspberry.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Times Square
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I've only been to New York City once, but it instantly became my favorite because of "Times Square".
chipper101 (at) hotmail dot com
I like visiting MacArthur Square in Norfolk, Va.
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love love LOVE to win this!
I grew up in a small town in Kansas with a square. The courthouse was in the middle and we drove around "the square" in our cars for fun on weekend nights - and all the town events were held on the square - ice cream socials, etc. I loved growing up there. But as an adult, I've traveled to some great squares, and Time's Square is my favorite!
Franklin Square Hospital in MD? haha it's the first thing that came to mind
A 4-square court on a play group!
My favorite square is Jackson Square in the French Quarter, New Orleans. Thanks.
I've never been anywhere where there's a "square". But if I could choose one I would pick Times Square in New York.
luvtugs4 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I recently got to visit Times Square in New York City. It was very impressive
Call me a nerd if you will, but my favorite square is the square knot. Its simple, elegant, and effective... everything a knot is supposed to be. My wife would love these chocolates, thanks for the giveaway!
I'll go with the exciting Times Square!
Thanks for the contest!
Times Square on New Year's Eve, although I've never been.
I love the square downtown where we have farmers' markets every weekend. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
There isn't a square near me. I even tried to google it and only came up with square dancing. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
There is a square in the old town of Fredrikstad in Norway, it's near where my husband is from. It's one of the only squares I've actually been in besides the one in Paris and it's just like something out a history book. I haven't been there for over 7 yrs. I can't wait to go back.
detroit.mommy (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Times Square but I really love ghirardelli square in san fran my favarite nice giveaway love chocolate.
tishajean@ charter.net
My favorite square is Times Square!
I like Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, OR because I live near there.
My Grandmother's quilting squares ( and being underneath it in cooler weather )!
I have to say the only Square I've been to is Station Square,Pittsburgh.I've seen lots of good concerts there,eaten lots of good food,enjoyed the views of Mt Washington,and the three rivers that converge.I would love to eat some Dark & Carmel Ghirardelli Squares there too! Thanks!
My husband has a picture of himself and his 2 siblings standing in Four Corners. I would like to visit that "square" one day!
Simi Valley Town's Square!
It's a nice outdoor mall in guess where?? SIMI Valley, California!
I will choose Franklin Square in my historic hometown of Norwich, CT. Thanks!
I love Times Square....I don't think I've ever been to another square, so I guess that is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.
As a native NY'er I have to go with Times Square.
Times Square in New York is my fave.
Time Square in NYC for me! Fingers crossed! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
My favorite would have to be Times Square in NYC
Christina - xristya@rock.com - My favorite is St. Mark's in Venice!
Time's Square would be my choice.
Times Square in NYC most definitely.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I love lots of "Squares" - sticking to the good old USA my favorites are
Union Square - San Francisco
Copley Square - Boston
Washington Square - NYC (and NYU!)
I love Times Square in NY!
I haven't been to many places with a town square so I'm going to mention that I love most places in MS with a square as they usually have a beautiful old courthouse in the center of them and old buildings from the 1800's.
Thank you for the giveaway
mrsmiki77 (at) gmail (dot) com
Jackson Square in my favorite city, New Orleans
My favorite "square" is Trafalgar Square in London. As a student, I remember observing people feed pigeons there. There were hundreds of pigeons. Anyway, it is a lively spot in London.
How about circles? I like Dupont Circle in DC.
Times Square, haven't been there in person but watch the new year brought in there since forever.
My favorite square is our park. It has trees which have been sculpted into animals from tree which were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. It has a wonderful playground and you can sit on the benches and look out onto the Gulf. It is so relaxing.
As of right now, Times Square in NYC, but I am going to Venice this fall, so it might change to St. Marks Square then! Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
Times square!!
I have to go with time square--I love it it's so vibrant and amazing!!
I haven't been to too many squares so I will have to go with Union Square in San Francisco
My favorite square is Trafalgar Square in London.
St.Peter's Square is my favorite!
allibrary (at) aol (dot)com
state college pa intime@myself.com
Being a New Yorker...I would have to say Times Square or even the Hamptons!
Harvard Square in beautiful Mass.
I would say times square in new york is my favorite.
Ha ha! Fun question! Is it cheating to say my favorite is Ghirardelli Square? I grew up in San Francisco and we used to go there all the time for hot fudge sundaes. If that one doesn't count, I'll go with another SF landmark - Union Square. :-) Thanks for the chance to win!
romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com
my favorite square is a spot on the beach in cancun,mexico!
My favorite square is Santa Maria Novella square in Florence, Italy
I would have to say my favorite Square is the Town Square in Leon, IA.
Times Square!
Triumph Square in Sevilla, Spain
times square!
Times Square is my favorite.
Times Square!
I would say my favorite is Rothenburg, Germany int the center of town.
Mine would be Time Square
I like the Intense Dark Midnight Reverie singles
Rittenhouse square in Philadelphia, it is a lovely park.
my fav. square is centreville, va, where i came from!
my favorite is time square in ny ,i love the chocolate with the rasberry centers
I guess I would have to say Time's Square :D
Really I don't have a favorite square necessarily..I think mine would be the square of earth that I and my family and friends populate.
market square in pittsburgh
Times Square is my favorite. It is so vibrant.
I would have to say the downtown square in my hometown of bedford in.
I'll go with the Dam Square in Amsterdam. It's on my bucket list.
My favorite square is the one that my daughter has recently learned to cut out of paper :) (She's three and working on hand-eye coordination.)
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
I'd like to see Times Square. If I did, I'd be saying it is my favorite.
Times Square, we almost always visit while in NYC.
Trafalgar Square in London (looks more like a triangle though). colorfulcarla@ gmail.com
I like Times Square in New York
definitly times square in ny
The plaza surrounding "Jacob's Ladder" on the grounds of Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX
Madison Square
Well, around here we have the Collierville Square which is great to visit on the weekends.
My favorite "square" is Trafalgar Square in London. I haven't been there yet but hope to one day soon!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
times square is the only one i know :) if your talkin candy yummmmmmmmmm i love the milk and caramel square :)
Without a doubt - Times Square in NYC. The bright lights and variety of activities around every corner. Love it! Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
time square in new york is my favorite square
Union Square in SF
One Indiana Square
times square my fave!!!
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