I'vetakenapositionastheEditorinChiefofawomen'shealthmagazineOMGOMGOMGIcandoit,Icandoit. (No comments from the Peanut Gallery about the candy/health conflict please.)
There. So I've found some miscellaneous candy items that I
just haven't gotten around to writing about yet. Here we have a Kit
Kat Caramel that No-Nuts bought and devoured. Okay, yes, she did share with me. It was better than I expected. For some reason I thought the caramel would be stiffer and chewier, but this was more soft and flowy, like a Caramello. It was yummy.
And kudos to Nestle for not spelling caramel with a
"K."Those little pink things are Russian candies from my mother's neighbor. I'm not sure what flavor they were, but there was some sort of little berry printed on the wrapper. They were chewy, like taffy.
Congrats Patti! :)
Thanks Sera!
omg, I'm so happy I found you. I saw you on Derfwad Manor. Candy blog written by health mag. editor lady? You're my kind of people. I write the Chubby Mommy Running Club blog, where it's all about running for cupcakes and our mantra is "Try Not Cry!"
Love, your newest loyal fan,
Miss Julie
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