Coffee Crisp (yum!)
Caramilk Dark (Oh, super yum!)
Caramilk Maple (Subtle yum!)
and several Kit Kat Noirs (the be-all and end-all)
No-Nuts and I had put a major dent into the stash, so there was only half of a maple Caramilk and a dark Kit Kat in the bag when ...
"What the ???" I uttered as I held a gnawed-upon Kit Kat up for review. Something had gotten into my stash and nibbled away. Upon closer inspection, I found teeny-tiny oh-so-gross mouse poops on my desk! A mouse (mice?!) have been eating my precious dark Kit Kats! I know, I know, totally icky. Nasty. Hanta virus. Disgusting. YUCK! Seriously, I'm not that much of a slob that I should have little rodents hanging out in my living room, eating my candy and surfing on my laptop.
So today the Sugar Baby and I went over to Grandma and Pop Pop's and borrowed back my cat Coconut. She is the ultimate hunter. If she can't solve
this problem, no cat can. It's gonna be a rockin' night in the old Candy Yum Yum house. And to paraphrase another candy slogan, "Nobody Better Lay a Finger on My Kit Kats."

How completely tragic.....next time I give you dark kit kats I'll give them to you in a lockable box!
oh god no, not the chocolate! I think I'd cry! Get into the cereal, perhaps some crackers or biscuits, but not the chocolate stash
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