Wow! What a year it was! I've just gone back over all the 2007 posts and it was a great time for candy.
In 2007, there were lots of new "Limited Edition" releases:
Reese's Whipps
Junior Mints Deluxe and Peppermint Crunch
Nestle Crunch Crisp
Elvis Reese's
3 Musketeers Mint
and the wildly popular Candy Corn Hershey Kisses
Then there were the exotic things, like:
Absinthe lollipops
Velveeta fudge
and real licorice root
I found out some interesting tidbits, like:
Green gummi bears are strawberry flavored
Jujyfruits are actually shaped like vegetables
and putting Mint Mentos in Diet Coke can be explosive!
There were some big moments in Candy Yum Yum history, such as:
The Sugarbaby's first actual Halloween experience
My first-ever celebration of Wombat Day
The introduction of the Baron and the von Schokolat crew
The unveiling of the Candy Yum Yum logo
and my 15 minutes of fame, when I was interviewed for a Food Network special on candy*
I discovered some new favorite things like:
Etsy.com, where you can find all sorts of groovy hand-crafted candy-themed items
Emily's chocolates, which are totally yummy and addictive
and the ultimate candy bar, the European "Fine Dark" Kit Kat
There were a few new additions to the site this year, including:
The Candy Confessional
Madame Yum Yum's Candy Horoscope
My candy-themed ABC paintings
and our fabulous advertisers!
And last, but not least, the candy event that was just too funny:
when Quinn got a yucky, old, leftover Easter bunny in his trick-or-treat bag.
It's been a great year. Thanks to all the Candy Yum Yum readers who keep me going!
*Update: I was in contact with the producer yesterday and he said the pilot is being "re-worked" to include actual visits to candy factories. I fear that this does not bode well for my chance at stardom. Oh well.