Then we have a very groovy sparkly candy corn patch which would look great on my jean jacket if I hadn't thrown it out during the Great Move of 2007. Ah well, I'll just have to buy a new one.
And then, yes, you're seeing this right: Lightning Bugs Gummy Candy. "Grab a Bug! Light it Up!" with the enclosed "Magic Tong."
This was a gift from my nephew, D-Sword, who is currently winning big moolah in the Bahamas playing poker. I can only hope that he'll remember his favorite aunt when he hits it big. But back to the candy.
I don't know about you, but I'm just a wee bit afraid of candy that comes with instructions, especially ones that say, "Remove the battery pull tag." Um, okay, doesn't it kind of go against rational thinking to put batteries in our mouths? And then there are the cautions (because what's candy without a caution?): "Do not point light into eyes and Do not put tongs into water." But perhaps, the most frightening part of all: Made in China. Oh yes, there's a "Safety Tested" seal on the package. A rather unofficial seal.
I meant to share this goodie with the von Schokolats, because I knew the wee ones would get a kick out of it, but I totally forgot, which means that I need to be the taste tester. But alas, you'll have to wait until I'm good and liquored up before I go putting a battery-powered, glow-in-the-dark, totally safe (wink!) candy in my mouth. Stay tuned.