Keep those candy bar fantasies coming! It's fun to see what other people love in their candy bars. In the meantime, this tidbit was too delicious not to share:
(Editor's note: the following is not necessarily the opinion of Candy Yum Yum or anyone employed by the house of CYY. Although, really, we find it quite yummy. However, being the open-minded institution that we are, we will gladly run your version of an Obamarama Bar or a Shrieking Hillary Pop.)
I dream of a chocolate bar in the shape of George Bush. It would be in celebration of his last "State of the Union" speech. Its purpose would be a good-will chocolate bar to be distributed free of charge to all the countries we have alienated and just plain pissed off during his 8 year reign. It would be of the best quality free-trade organic bitter-sweet chocolate, with delicious nuts, and dried fruit from a wide range of countries representing a celebration and acceptance of all faiths, nationalities, and lifestyles living together harmoniously, free of religious right wing, corporate money-grubbing, pathological liar- nazi freaks formally known as the "Bush Administration". The head of the GWB Freedom Bar would, of course, be full of marshmallow. That, dear Miss Yumyum, is my dream bar.
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