Well, I haven't quite left yet, but the plan is to head up to the von Schokolats' tomorrow, so things might be kind of slow here for the rest of the week. But be assured that I'll be doing some serious candy research while I'm away. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this beauty. You thought it was a cake, didn't you? Yeah, that's what I thought, too, when I first saw it. But no-- this, my friends, is a genuine slab of T-Bone's Barbeque Bologna Log. My father-in-law actually scored this big hunk o' processed meat goodness for yours truly, which is proof positive that I'm the favorite child-in-law. (Sorry, Baron, the truth hurts.)
It looks like a ham. Have fun, don't eat too much meat. Have you seen the Mamba cola yet?
Get out. A hunk o' bolonga. That's pretty awesome. :-)
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