Dear Ritter Sport,
Candy Yum Yum has asked that you cease and desist any and all contact with Madame Yum Yum. Please do not make yourself known to her in the supermarket or at Target or anywhere else. She acknowledges her willing participation in your past relationships, but cannot continue with you anymore. This includes all varieties of Ritter Sport, but particularly the crispy-crunchy-chocolatey-super-yummy-best-candy-bar-she's-had-in-a-long-time Cornflakes version. Please respect her boundaries.
The American (Chocolate) Bar Association
(Editor's note: this is just to say that the Ritter Sport Cornflakes bar is so yummy delishus that you should go out right now and buy one. They're on sale at Target this week: 2 for $5. Worth every penny.)
Cornflakes? Really? I finally put that meme up.
Oh yes, cornflakes! I would assume they'd get all mushy in the chocolate, but no! They're crunchy and yummy!
These bars are nothing more than filthy legal heroin. Sweet sweet chocolate corn flakey heroin. mmmmmmmmmmm...
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