Sunday, August 17, 2008

Watermelon Kit Kat?! Those Wacky Japanese!

I'm back from the Haus von Schokolat and I have lots and lots to report, but in the meantime, check out this gem from Kyoto Foodie: watermelon salt Kit Kat! Apparently the package says to "serve chilled."


Anonymous said...

Kitkats ARE best when frozen mmmm

Jeanna said...

That is just weird. The cool, sure, a frozen Kit Kat, not so sure about. The watermelon...shudder. Have you been able to try it?

Unknown said...

How weired I ate one of these today! Quite tasty I thought! They smell soooo strongly of watermelon!

Candy Yum Yum said...

I haven't tried it. Jim, how was it? Was it salty? I can't imagine. I'm not a watermelon lover to begin with, so this just sounds a bit too weird for me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, my photos appear on yet another website!


Unknown said...

It wasnt too bad at all! The watermelon flavour is realy quite strong...the only salty flavour I got was in the aftertaste! Im gonna post my review on saturday once I have munched down another crazy few varities - would be good to get your input once you have tasted them aswell.
