Remember in junior high-- you'd be eating a bag of M&Ms and some derfwad would come along and say, "You just ate a green one. You must be horny! Huh, huh!" Where on earth did that legend come from? In any case, the smarty pantses over at M&Ms have embraced the urban myth and are releasing all-green M&Ms for Valentine's Day. And guess what Yumsters? I have some to give away! So here's what you do: post a comment saying who you'd love to share your green M&Ms with. I'll pick three winners at random on February 5. (U.S. residents only, please!)
(And just to be fair, I'll let you know who I'd pick: I'd have a green M&M party with Spike, Angel, Richard Gere, Jim from The Office and Michael from Arrested Development. Or is that a little too weird?)
And in the meantime, you can enter a contest to win a trip to Paris at www.mms.com/green. (I have nothing to do with that contest; don't write me looking for a trip to France 'cuz I don't have one to give.)
I would share with Will <3 ^__^
Since I haven't yet met a 'significant other' I'd be willing to share with you... maybe over cocktails?!?
Anonymously [June]
I would want a green m&m sharing party with Jacob Black(Yes, I know he's a fictional character and too young for me, but he's not real! so it's okay), Benoit Pouliot, Milo Ventimiglia, Chuck Bass(again, character), and this guy, Peter, at my work. Yup.. There better be alot of m&m's!!
I would love to share my M&Ms with my soulmate, my husband. Sounds corny, but it's true. Wouldn't want to bb "Horny" with anyone else.
Kaileigh would definately like to share her M&Ms with Edward. Spike could join as well!
Taylor would like to have a tea party with her M&M's. She'd share with Emily, Elizabeth, Mia, Julie, Kaya, etc. Maybe, my teammates at gymnastics, or my friends at school. She would definately share with her favorite cousin, Henri!
I would share my green M&M's with my husband, my soulmate, the love of my life. My Bill.
As he always says, "Bill and Jenny - not sold separately!"
I would share my green M&M's with the love of my life..Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers...
-Jacqueline, age 11
I share mine with my puppy! jkjk..my family & friends!
I would love to share my green M & M's with my true love, my husband, on our anniversary, Valentines Day!!
Whether you share your green M&M's with your "soulmate" or your puppy, you are definitely missing the point............really, no one should ever use the word "soulmate"- and I mean- ever ever.
I would share mine with Satan.
I'd share them with my new baby and hubby! I'm in the hospital right now for observation but am due on the 10th...and have to admit, hoping he or she will arrive soon! :)
I would share them with my girlfriend. She LOVES chocolate but I don't so I'd really just be giving them to her. She could take them to school and share with all the other cosmetologists.
without a doubt I'd share with e (my 5 1/2 year old little guy)...
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