Monday, June 30, 2008
Shut Up and Let Her Talk! (Be patient, this really is about candy)

Sunday evenings present a particularly interesting line-up, which starts with old-timey radio dramas and comedies and then goes to what is quite possibly the worst talk radio show ever, the Joe Mazza Show with his wonder dog Sebastian. Imagine if you will, the dad from Family Guy. Thick Boston accent, not too many synapses bouncing around. This is Joe Mazza. Now, I don't mean to be insulting or rude, but seriously, this show is so bad you almost think it's a parody. Anyhow, I was asleep last night, with the sounds of talk radio weaving in and out of my dreams when I suddenly sprang awake. The conversation had turned to candy.
He was interviewing a woman from Australia who had called in and he asked her what the temperature was there now. She said 17 degrees C. This sent him into a tizzy and he had to know what that translated to in Fahrenheit. She actually Googled it and told him it was about 60 degrees, which then sent him into another tizzy, because he didn't realize it was winter there. Anyhow, she was commenting on how much she loved the States, but was sadly disappointed in our candy bar offerings. WOW! I would've thought that we had more of a selection than Australia, but apparently not. She said she really missed one candy bar in particular-- it was either called Crispy or Crunchy (I can't remember and not surprisingly, the website for the show is not working). She started describing the candy bar, comparing it to a Violet Crumble, but then Joe Mazza cut her off to AGAIN ask her what the temperature was.
Now I'm even more intrigued by Australian candy. If you're a true Candy Yum Yum devotee, you might remember way back when (holy cow, almost five years ago) that I did a candy exchange with my friend Debbie. Such fun! I'll have to talk to her and find out some more about candy down under. I think she's holding out on me.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Name That Candy Bar!
My favorite candy (between 1945 and 1950) was a wafer bar dipped in milk chocolate. The wafers and filling were vanilla. I can not remember the name of them, although I have racked my brain for a long time. They came in a box like Power House and Baby Ruth candy bars did. If I remember correctly, the price was five cents for this big candy bar. They were crunchy and soooo good!
If anyone remembers the name of them, I would love to know.
Anyone? Anyone? I have no idea, but if you know, let us in on the name!
Chocolate Skittles? WTH? (Just trying to keep it family-friendly)

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Meet My Connection

So today, the future MIL came over for a playdate and she had a surprise for me-- a bag of chocolate Skittles. "The Connection found these at the train station on his way home," she said. "I asked him if he tried them and he said, "Oh no, they're for Ms. Yum Yum," causing her to wonder what he might've had as his afterwork commute snack. I'm quite sure it was a banana or perhaps a bottle of water and some celery sticks. I haven't tried the Skittles yet. I'm going to wait until No-Nuts gets home from work so I can get her opinion, too.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Without further ado, here's their review:
In short, a person from away might think these are "GREAT." But we polled true Mainers, and no one we talked to gave them a thumbs-up over a traditional homemade chocolate one with lard-filled white icing. Their downfall was that the cake was too spongy and tasted like preservatives. The company has a store in shopping hell-- Freeport, Maine. It was not easy to find unless you are looking for it. It is not on the main drag, but it is down a side road. I would not have found it if we were not looking for it. Save some time. Avoid Freeport and go to most of the gas stations in Maine. They can be found next to the lottery tickets, cigarettes and cash register.
Strawberry Whoopie - Tasted just like a Little Debbie "Jelly Log". Gretl's favorite. No chocolate
Orange Cream - Tasted just like an orange creamsicle.
Red Velvet - YUCK!!! Very Dry. The Baron could not even swallow his test sample. Spit it out. (Editor's note: I'm not sure I believe this.)
Vanilla Bean - Vanilla cookie with icing. Blah.
Banana - Tasted like a banana bread/muffin with cream filling. Does not taste like a Whoopie pie. Because of the new taste it was good.
Raspberry - Kinda like a Bismark (Maine dessert). Tasted like Vanilla Bean whoopie pie, but the more you chewed it the stronger the raspberry got.
Chocolate-covered Whoopie Pie - Liesel liked this one. Too much chocolate. It looked like an Oreo covered in chocolate. My opinion, give me an Oreo and some milk. The best one was the 72-ounce, larger than birthday cake size, traditional chocolate with vanilla icing. 17 Maine kids agreed and devoured it in one sitting.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gretl's Webkinz Candy Yum Yum Room!
Newfangled Fancy M&Ms
Sunday, June 22, 2008
More on Favorite Childhood Candy
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Public Service Announcement: Just Say No to Marshmallows

B is for Candy Buttons

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Favorite Childhood Candies
Fun Dip (loved the sticks!)
Candy cigarettes
Bulls eyes
Bar None
Pay Days
3-cent Jelly Royals
Wax Lips
Licorice-- any kind, strings, wheels
What was your favorite?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Candy Culture

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Say It With Me: Borrrrrrrachiiiiitos!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sweet Relief

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I Can't Even Come Up With a Clever Title, It's That Bad

I'm completely humorless at this point. For the third day in a row, it's been oppressively hot and humid. They even closed the schools early! The anti-snow day. I have no desire to do anything, even eat candy, believe it or not. In fact, I think yesterday was the first time in who-knows-how-long that I didn't have a single nibble of candy. Seriously. That's cause for concern.
The only saving grace of this weather is that it lulls the Sugar Baby into a very sleepy state. Unfortunately, it does the same for me. So I have lots to write about, I really do, but I just can't even muster up the energy.
Thank goodness for the correspondents out in the field. Alexandra sent me this exciting news of what she found at the drugstore:
"DOTS Elements Earth (Pomegranate). According to the box there is also Fire - Cinnamon, Water - Green Tea and Air - Wintergreen." She gave the Earth Dots to her parents and apparently they've said they're flavorless. I'm just not so sure about that package. It looks a little creepy/alienesque to me.
And speaking of news from the field, I sent the von Schokolats out on a road trip this weekend. More to come! (If it ever cools down. If it doesn't, this might just become Watermelon Yum Yum.)
Monday, June 09, 2008
No-Nuts is in Da House!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

I don't know about you, but these "Abdominal Muscle" chocolate bars are just a wee bit freaky. According to the website, with these you can enjoy a "crisp dream body." Ooookay. I mean, really, who wants to be thinking about abs when you're eating chocolate??
Friday, June 06, 2008
Motherhood: A Thankless Job
Notes From the Field: Alexandra Goes to Max Brenner

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
New Dove Chocolates

Dove has a new line of chocolates out. As I've said before, I really like Dove chocolate. It's perfect for those times when you really want to go on a chocolate binge. So I was really looking forward to the new bars: Roasted Hazelnut and Cranberry Almond in particular. I have to say, though, they were kind of disappointing because the fruit and nuts are chopped up so tiny that they lose something. There's nothing like biting into a big almond covered in chocolate. Why, oh why couldn't these have had bigger pieces in them? Tragic.
The Bananas Foster "Desserts," however, are pretty darn yummy. They're the same size and shape as Dove Promises, but they're filled with a soft oozy yumminess. The banana isn't too pronounced and in fact it almost tastes like a really buttery caramel. Definitely yummy.
Other new flavors in the series are Peanut Toffee Crunch (made with chopped up Munch bars), Blueberry Almond, and Extra Creamy Milk. In the desserts line, they also have Dark Chocolate Tiramisu.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Flavor Tripping with Miracle Fruit!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Saving the Best For Last

Sunday, June 01, 2008
For Me? You Shouldn't Have! (But I'm So Glad You Did!!)