Friday, July 04, 2008

Mamba is to Starburst as Wine Gums are to Gummi Bears

Until this week, I'd never had a Mamba. Sure, I'd seen them, but I just never felt that instant attraction that I felt with, say, a dark Kit Kat or the 100 Grand with peanuts. So I was pretty excited when No-Nuts came home from work the other day at the Mafioso Deli bearing gifts for all of us: a business card from a Japanese caterer for Mr. Goodbar, a business card with a picture of a puppy on it for the Sugar Baby and a pack of Mambas for me. Well, her and me.
The package says something like, "Picked from a selection of raspberry, orange, strawberry and lemon." There was no lemon in this pack; disappointing for me, good for No-Nuts. What can I say? They're similar to Starburst, except they're a little more sophisticated, slightly more subtle. I particularly liked the orange, which tasted like a Creamsicle.

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