Breaking news! The New Zealand Cupcake Queen has contacted me with this important information:
Some of our beloved lollies (that's candy to us in the U.S.) are being axed and I'm gutted. Sparkles, Snifters and Tangy Fruits lollies are to be no longer produced. Its a sad sad day for the NZ candy lovers. These lollies have been around since I was a kid!You can read all about it in this news article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/4697302a1870.html
There is so much outrage someone has set up a Save the Snifter website: http://www.savethesnifter.co.nz/
I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down after all this drama!!
New Zealand Cupcake Queen, please accept our condolences. I can only imagine how we'd feel if they decided to discontinue some of our childhood favorites, like Smarties or Necco Wafers or fireballs. Please take care of yourself.
Forget the GFC and the elections, as an ex pat kiwi this is the most upsetting news story I've read in a long time.
They simply cannot do this. Especially not the snifters.
Rise up people!
Sad Kiwi in Australia
Please not the snifter! I live in the US and as I type am eating a pkg of jaffas that my brother brought me from NZ. When he told me the snifter was now extinct I almost cried.
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