Friday, October 03, 2008


You know what's exciting? When you open the door and find the UPS person standing there holding a box for you. You know what's even better? The fact that the box doesn't contain sustainable soy-based hemp exercise hand weights or some other craziness from a company that wants you to write about them something for work.
So look what I received the other day from the von Schokolats: a big delicious yummy creamy crunchy box of chocolates from Li-Lac Chocolates. Woo hoo! This is the ultimate assortment: milk, dark, caramel, nuts, fudge. And it was wrapped really pretty-like, with lilac paper and a purple ribbon. Oooohlala! I considered hiding them, which I should've done, because as soon as Mr. Goodbar got home that night, he said, "Ho ho! What have we here?" As you can see, this picture was taken after we'd already sampled a couple of pieces. Yum! Thanks von Schokolats!

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