This year, I finally tried my first piece of See's candy: a Mint Krispy. Okay, here's the thing. I think that people confuse crispy and crunchy much of the time. Crispy (or Krispy or Krispee or any other variation) says to me light and airy, like crisped rice or bacon. Crunchy is dense and heavy, like celery or kettle-cooked potato chips. In the case of the Mint Krispy, I was expecting it to be like a mint Nestle Crunch. But no, it wasn't "krispy" nor was it "krunchy." I would call it a Mint Chip. The inside was hard like toffee. In any case, it was good, but it didn't knock my socks off. I'm still interested in trying their other chocolates, though, to actually get a feel of what it is that makes them so popular.

You must have a perfect fire
place to hang all your candy
displays. Just invite Martha S
over. I'm sure she would love
decorating your wall.
Never tried See's before?? One of the perks of living on the left coast, I suppose. Christmas boxes of nuts and chews are a joy, but better is to stop into the store and handpick a mini box of my very favorite: butterscotch squares.
I love See's as well, but would have to go with the dark chocolate nougat -- to die for!
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