After reading the review of Mike and Ike Italian Ice on
Candy Addict, I've been on the lookout for them. Mr. "I Don't Like Candy" Goodbar is the true Mike and Ike aficianado in the house, but the "Italian Ice" part just intrigued me. So the other night I found myself stood up for a dinner date by a very well-known, shall we say "minimalist" cookbook author, so I figured I'd see what I could find at the local Walgreen's, since I already had coverage for the Sugar Baby. Lo and behold, I found what I was after. I excitedly brought it home to Mr. Goodbar and No-Nuts for their professional observations. You can read "real" reviews at Candy Addict,
Candy Blog, and
Wisconsin Candy Dish. As for here, well, you get a one-word review from each of our verbose critics. Try to imagine it more as art therapy for the kiddies than a food review.
First up, from Mr. Goodbar:

And from No-Nuts:

There you have it. As for me, I have this thing against "cooling" products. Back in the professional taste-testing days, we worked seemingly forever on this nasty British drink that tasted okay at first, but left your mouth and throat feeling all cool afterwards, like you'd swallowed some Vicks VapoRub. So sadly, I'm not a big fan of the Mike and Ike Italian Ice.
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