The Connection mentioned that a warehouse liquidator (in a somewhat unsavory part of town) was going out of business and perhaps we should take a gander. Hooray! Oh, the excitement! This is the kind of adventure I love. So we went, and it was everything I dreamed it would be: scary, exciting, somewhat filthy and bargain city! What did I get, you ask? Ghost-shaped foil cupcake liners for 10 cents a box; tons of children's books for 29 cents each; gardening gloves for 24 cents; magnetic chip clips 10 cents for a package of six; and then, dear Yumsters, I found these:

Lollipop-shaped hair sticks! Are these cool or what? I put them in the cart but then suddenly the Sugar Baby seized upon them. To make a long story short, he would not relinquish them and in fact they kept him busy the whole rest of the day. (He'd arrange them, then rearrange them. He'd carry them around in one hand like Bob Dole. He tried to figure out what I was talking about when I kept telling him, "They're pretend. Girls put them in their hair.")
I ended up making another trip back with The Connection (so we could check out the camera batteries) and I bought two more packages to raffle off here!

Update: Thanks everyone for entering! The Sweetsticks have found new homes!
So cute ^__^ I don't know if you meant to leave our e-mail in our post or not, but if I win I hope I can e-mail you my e-mail... Or something XD I don't wanna just post it :S
Those are sooo cute! I've never seen them before. Amazing. Even if you didn't use them in your hair, gosh... talk about possibilities in your candyland display at Christmas! LOL
I owned a couple pairs of these during my middle school days... I'd pay big money for them now if I could find them anywhere, such a fun hair product :(
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