Monday, June 29, 2009

Zero Bars: No, I Didn't Imagine How Sucky They Taste

When I think of Zero bars, here's what comes to mind: a vague, fuzzy memory of standing in the neighbor's backyard. I'm probably, I don't know-- 5? 6? 7 years old? I've somehow procured a Zero bar, which I've never had before. I unwrap it and am shocked to see that it is white. I've never seen a white candy bar before. I take a bite. It is disgusting.

Flash forward to 2009. I haven't had a Zero bar since then. I see one at the drug store and read the description on the wrapper: Caramel, Peanut and Almond Nougat covered with White Fudge. Now frankly, that sounds pretty tasty to me. How can that be bad?

So I buy one. It's King Sized. And I try it. Guess what? It still is yucky. The inside is like a stiff 3 Musketeers, or maybe more like Play Doh. There is no defining taste. It's just a mish-mash of overly sweet, kind of nutty, ickiness.
Please tell me who eats these. I've never seen anyone eat one. They've been around since the 1930s, so apparently someone is eating them. Do you like these? Do you know someone who does? Let me know, because I have some questions.


Kayla said...

I have never even seen those before.

Kayla said...

No wonder it's called Zero!

Abby said...

My fave candy is Skittles and my fave chocolate is Twix! My blog is! Check it out!

Whoosh said...

These are my FAVORITE!

Candy Yum Yum said...

Sera, are they really?? What do you like about them?

Carl Weaver said...

I love Zero bars. Maybe I am single-handedly keeping them around, along with circus peanuts.

Stephen said...

I, too, am firmly in the "love 'em" camp. Despite my dislike of white chocolate, I have no problems with the whiteness of the Zero. The caramel has the perfect consistency, and the nougat has a wonderful, firm chew to go along with the nice nuttiness.

Candy Yum Yum said...

Well, I guess I stand corrected! Just goes to show, there's a candy bar for everyone!