Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
All Treats, No Tricks!

"The perfect blend of sweet cream butter, pure cane sugar and California
almonds, drenched in creamy milk chocolate and sprinkled with crushed
almonds."Does that sound fabulous or what? So here's what you do: leave a comment and on
November 3 at noon (EST), I'll randomly pick a winner. Be sure you don't sign in as anonymous!
A Love Letter

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You Must Pay the Rent

The Mystery of the Disappearing Chocolates

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Introducing Frau Marzipan

She went to a little import shop and found these assorted goodies: Strawberry Yogurt Ritter, Prince Polo dark chocolate wafer, Kinder Chocolate, Yogurettes and those taffy-ish kind of things to the right (the name escapes me and my eyes are going so I can't read it.)
The Strawberry Yogurt Ritter was absolutely YUM as most Ritters are. (Except for the Roasted Almond one I bought a few weeks ago; what a disappointment). The yogurty part was tangy, just like a real yogurt.
The Prince Polo was really dark and crispy crunchy yummy.
Kinder Chocolates? Always a treat.
The Yogurettes weren't as good as the Ritter, but still tasty.
The other gem she gave me was this copy of "The Chocolate Bible" that she found at a tag sale. I haven't had a chance to really look at it yet, but when I flipped through it, it seemed really cool. An update awaits!
Who has the best friends?! Me!
The Unveiling of the Sugar Baby's Costume
(wait for it... wait for it...)

I always promised myself that I would never buy a costume because, you know, I'm much more creative than that. And I really, really, really wanted the Sugar Baby to have a candy-themed costume, because I'm
So then I went to Old Navy and holy cow!! Their warm, cozy costumes were on sale for $5!! FIVE BUCKS! I mean, seriously, you can't beat that. So it was between a bat (which I would've gotten, except the hat part was creepy), the dragon or a kitty which was really cute but was pink and white and despite what I'd have you believe about me ("I don't fall into gender stereotypes! If he wants to have a tea party and wear a tutu, more power to him!"), I just couldn't do it. So a dragon it was. It wasn't until today, when I was daydreaming of Jemaine, when it came to me--Albi the Racist Dragon, whose tears turn into jellybeans! Hooray! Halloween has been saved.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Wombat Day!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Desperation
Calling All Candy Companies!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ode to a mellowcreme pumpkin

Ode to a mellowcreme pumpkin
Reese's: Cup or Bar? You decide

Friday, October 17, 2008
Repost: Economic Crisis in Candyland

Also, ever notice that in every other packet (or handful) of peanut M&Ms, there is always one that tastes different (and rather bad)? I've switched to almond because these 'off' ones gross me out.
Don't say I never wrote you anything candy-related.
So to recap:
Almond M&Ms in the packet from a store: $0.94 / 14 M's = $0.067 per M
Each is roughly double the price of the next cheapest, with prices rising exponentially. If they made coconut M&Ms - coating the entire coconut in chocolate and a candy shell - I figure you'd be paying about $1,000 per candy.
The charity machine is by far the best value, even with the occasional 'off' one. And think of the joy the Shriners will bring to the suffering children with their clown cars and their fez's because of my sweet tooth.
AH! The Peanut M&M packet as a warning: May contain Almonds - but *NOTHING* about peanuts. I'm so confused...
Wombat Cake

I know you're probably all in a flurry preparing for Wombat Day, which is just around the corner. Check out this pattern for the perfect Wombat cake, sent to us by our friends at Wombania.
And don't forget to stock up on Wine Gums!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pomegranate White Tea Gummy Pandas

Iced Pumpkin Cookies!

Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Dark Chocolate Cigars!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
The Most Important Vote of the Year

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Economic Crisis in Candyland? Visit the Vending Machine

Also, ever notice that in every other packet (or handful) of peanut M&Ms, there is always one that tastes different (and rather bad)? I've switched to almond because these 'off' ones gross me out.
Don't say I never wrote you anything candy-related.
So to recap:
Almond M&Ms in the packet from a store: $0.94 / 14 M's = $0.067 per M
Each is roughly double the price of the next cheapest, with prices rising exponentially. If they made coconut M&Ms - coating the entire coconut in chocolate and a candy shell - I figure you'd be paying about $1,000 per candy.
The charity machine is by far the best value, even with the occasional 'off' one. And think of the joy the Shriners will bring to the suffering children with their clown cars and their fez's because of my sweet tooth.
AH! The Peanut M&M packet as a warning: May contain Almonds - but *NOTHING* about peanuts. I'm so confused...
And the Dove Chocolate Goes To ...

1.Coleen M.
2. Jill H
3. Kristina L.
4. Jenny K
5.Leah K
6. Linda B
7. Sue K
8. Michael C.
9. Jennifer D
10. Alex S
11. Kathy M
12. Chris H
13. Kristina S
14. Robin E
15. Jessica H
16. Chelsea D
17. Rosa L
18. Laura B
19. Jeannette M
20. Kris B
(I left off your last names so your family and friends won't know it's you-- and then you won't have to share!)
A big thank you to everyone who entered. I wish I had enough to send to everyone. But check back soon-- more candy giveaways to come!
(*To the winners: you'll be contacted soon by the Dove people to get your mailing address.)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I'm sitting here, trying to do some *real* work, flipping through my notebook when I find this little haiku that I (apparently) wrote in the midst of the recent bout with the plague:
The thing is: 1) I haven't had a Jolly Rancher in years and 2) I didn't have a fever, yet I don't remember writing this. What's up with that?!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Something Sweet for Everyone
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Assorted Brach's goodies

Alexandra gave me a grab bag o' goodies for my birthday. The girl has a keen eye for stuff that I haven't been able to find! First, the Brach's Soda Poppers. These are hard candies with a chewy center (kind of like those little candies that look like strawberries). The first one I tried was Dr Pepper, because that's the only soda I really like. At first I was impressed; it seemed to have that same complex flavor profile that the actual soda has. But then after about 30 seconds, something went terribly wrong. It got all weirdly kind of root beer-like. I ended up spitting it out.
The Orange Crush was much better. It had that orange POW! of the soda. I haven't tried the other two yet: 7Up and A&W rootbeer.
The other goodie was Brach's Chocolate Caramel Candy Corn. I opened the bag and took a whiff. It was kind of strange. Not at all chocolatey or caramelly. More chemical. Then I tried one. It was ... icky. I don't know if I was just expecting it to be more chocolatey or what, but these definitely won't be replacing the traditional orange, yellow and white ones. Or even Indian corn.
No-Nuts is here for the weekend and she tried both candies. She definitely got a caramel taste out of the candy corn, and she liked the Soda Poppers. So there you have it.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Save the Snifters!


So look what I received the other day from the von Schokolats: a big delicious yummy creamy crunchy box of chocolates from Li-Lac Chocolates. Woo hoo! This is the ultimate assortment: milk, dark, caramel, nuts, fudge. And it was wrapped really pretty-like, with lilac paper and a purple ribbon. Oooohlala! I considered hiding them, which I should've done, because as soon as Mr. Goodbar got home that night, he said, "Ho ho! What have we here?" As you can see, this picture was taken after we'd already sampled a couple of pieces. Yum! Thanks von Schokolats!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Countdown to Halloween!
- It's my anniversary. Oops.
- Three days 'til my 38th birthday. (Oh yeah, I'm getting there.)
- 21 days until Wombat Day.
- 30 days until Halloween!
There's so much to do. I've got to figure out what to dress the Sugar Baby as for Halloween. I've got to plan the Wombat Day festivities. (I really wanted to do an all-out bash this year, but I don't think it's going to happen.) And of course I've got to get out into the field and report back about all the Halloween goodies that are out there.
But you have a duty, too, dear Yumsters! What are your plans for Wombat Day? Tell me what you're dressing as for Halloween. What will you be giving out to trick-or-treaters? And are you the type to buy Halloween candy in advance and then eat it all yourself? Let me know what's going on in your world this October!