Thursday, January 29, 2009
Candy Yum Yum Book Nook (Or, This is What My Taxes Pay For?!)

My First Valentine!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today's Hot Giveaway: Lollipops For Your Hair!
The Connection mentioned that a warehouse liquidator (in a somewhat unsavory part of town) was going out of business and perhaps we should take a gander. Hooray! Oh, the excitement! This is the kind of adventure I love. So we went, and it was everything I dreamed it would be: scary, exciting, somewhat filthy and bargain city! What did I get, you ask? Ghost-shaped foil cupcake liners for 10 cents a box; tons of children's books for 29 cents each; gardening gloves for 24 cents; magnetic chip clips 10 cents for a package of six; and then, dear Yumsters, I found these:

Lollipop-shaped hair sticks! Are these cool or what? I put them in the cart but then suddenly the Sugar Baby seized upon them. To make a long story short, he would not relinquish them and in fact they kept him busy the whole rest of the day. (He'd arrange them, then rearrange them. He'd carry them around in one hand like Bob Dole. He tried to figure out what I was talking about when I kept telling him, "They're pretend. Girls put them in their hair.")
I ended up making another trip back with The Connection (so we could check out the camera batteries) and I bought two more packages to raffle off here!

Update: Thanks everyone for entering! The Sweetsticks have found new homes!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Those Fruity 3 Musketeers

I'm not sure what flavor I'd like to see next in 3 Musketeers. I'd almost like to see what they could do with the Musketeer texture combined with marshmallow flavor.
Please Show Your I.D. Before Reading This Post

I've been wanting to try this Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock ever since I heard about it, although truth be told, I didn't expect it to be very chocolatey. I've had other "chocolate" beers before (stouts and porters) that tasted like, well, beer. But, according to the tag, this beer is aged on a bed of dark cocoa nibs from a Swiss chocolatier. Okay then, I had to try it.
I just came across it last weekend, and at $15 a bottle, I was hesitant. But I had reason to celebrate (as in, I finally got paid), so I splurged.
The young lad who helped me get it down off the top shelf said it was really good and actually tastes like chocolate, unlike other so-called chocolate brews.
Soooo... he was right! Wow. It really did taste like chocolate. Kind of like a cross between cold hot chocolate and beer. Hmmm. That sounds kind of gross, but really, it was pretty darn good. I tried to split it with Mr. Goodbar, but I ended up having about 3/4 of it, which gave me a tummy ache. I'd like to hear what Ms. Chops has to say over at Hops & Chops. Can beer and chocolate successfully meld? Our is it a combination fraught with difficulties, like say, bacon and chocolate? What do you think dear Yumster?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Please Stand By
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Christmas Wrap Up
This year, I finally tried my first piece of See's candy: a Mint Krispy. Okay, here's the thing. I think that people confuse crispy and crunchy much of the time. Crispy (or Krispy or Krispee or any other variation) says to me light and airy, like crisped rice or bacon. Crunchy is dense and heavy, like celery or kettle-cooked potato chips. In the case of the Mint Krispy, I was expecting it to be like a mint Nestle Crunch. But no, it wasn't "krispy" nor was it "krunchy." I would call it a Mint Chip. The inside was hard like toffee. In any case, it was good, but it didn't knock my socks off. I'm still interested in trying their other chocolates, though, to actually get a feel of what it is that makes them so popular.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Victory is Sweet!

(Cute candies, huh? You can get them at www.hammondscandies.com.)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hail to the Chief!

2) In homage to his African heritage, dark chocolate from Ghana with bits of cocoa and coffee nibs. This would, of course, be an Equal Exchange product.
3) A bar inspired by the Stars and Stripes: white chocolate studded with dried blueberries and dried cherries.
4) Or, my favorite: a multi-layered bar of hope, progress, change, smoked sea salt caramel (apparently his favorite) and dark chocolate, smothered in peace and justice for all.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
A Visual Review of Mike and Ike Italian Ice
As for here, well, you get a one-word review from each of our verbose critics. Try to imagine it more as art therapy for the kiddies than a food review.
First up, from Mr. Goodbar:

And from No-Nuts:

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Here It Is!

I would totally, TOTALLY be your BFF if you sent me that Yum Yum heart. I know you'll probably have to use it through Valentine's Day and everything, but when you're done with it, oooh, could you send it my way? I'll even pick it up!
Yours (hopefully), Madame Yum Yum
Just Try to Visualize
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Guest Review: No-Nuts' Debut Review

I'm here to tell you about an experience that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Let me begin with a little background information: I am a young college student working my way to make a huge impact on society. I am a very studious student and a very active athlete. It is absolutely necessary for me to eat right so I can perform all the tedious tasks of an everyday college student, athlete, and worker.
A mini summary of what I ate this past week: basically I ate a bagel, fruit, protein shake, sandwich, more fruit, granola bars, chips, pretzels, fruit, yogurt, pasta, bread, salad, snacks, snacks, snacks, and more snacks every single day.
You see I was training in Florida for swimming where I practiced in the pool twice a day and ran and did dryland workouts everyday. My fellow teammates and I were literally stuffing our faces every second we weren't working out. No joke I definitely woke up at least once every night and slept-walked over to the food table and stuffed my face. I actually ran into one of the other girls doing the same thing one night.
This week my chocolate bar was Hershey's Cookies and Cream. That has been my favorite chocolate bar since I first got introduced to it. Since 7-11 was on the way back from the pool every night and it was a 2 mile hike to the hotel I stopped there and got one after every afternoon practice.
However, as I arrived in New England this morning freezing my nice tan little bum off I realized I was having chocolate withdrawals. So I hobbled over to the couch where Aunt Candy Queen is chillin out on facebook. I put on the puppy dog pout face and asked "Question. Soo what kind of chocolate have we got in stock this week?" She slowly begins to smirk, "Dude I got some of the best banana flavored chocolate in the world!" This previous summer she introduced me to the Dove Bananas Foster chocolates. I fell in love with them because I believe that chocolate and bananas were a match made in heaven. So I ran to the desk where all the candy is kept and start scrambling through everything else that's kept on there. Alas I came across them. I took out a piece and bit the corner. Not only is the chocolate so smooth but there's another texture I crossed paths with. There are little bits of something inside it making it have a little "crunchy" taste. It's something no one can describe exactly. You sort of have to try it for yourself, but let me tell you it is PERFECT.
So, unfortunately for my dear sweet Hershey's Cookies and Cream they must move aside to make room for Valor's dark chocolate with banana. While I'm sure my cookies and cream will always be much cheaper and more accessible these Valor chocolates are much healthier (they're all natural) and even possibly make me look at least a tad bit more mature.
Folks, I really do not think I can describe to you how enjoyable this chocolate really is because we all have different taste buds and cravings. It is definitely something you should consider picking up though, at least just once. Trust me might have your own story to blog about next! Sincerely yours,

The Devil Made Me Do It

Guess who won out?

There was a display of Valor chocolates, made in Spain. There were cool flavors like orange and pear, but when I saw banana--a rare flavor with chocolate-- I knew I had to get it. I expected it to be a chocolate bar with banana cream inside, so I was quite surprised when I bit into it and realized it was solid chocolate with banana, um, I'm not sure what they were. It was almost like tiny bits of toffee, only they were banana. At first chew, I wasn't sure about this at all. But by the second piece, I was hooked. This is some good shizz, as the kids say. And speaking of kids, No-Nuts is going to do her own review of this lovely, unusual bar.
Friday, January 09, 2009
In Goes Chocolate, Out Comes Love
It wasn't until 8 p.m. that night that I remembered I had two Shaman Chocolate bars stashed away in my big box of work crap for an article on organic chocolates. The chocolate gods were smiling upon me. I decided to go for the Organic Milk Chocolate with Macadamia Nuts and Hawaiian Pink Sea Salt.
I've been having issues with salt and chocolate lately. Done right, it's the perfect combination. But done with the wrong proportions, it can be really bad. Over Christmas I had some Godiva chocolate-covered pretzels that were quite right. As was the case with this bar.
The nuts are chopped up finely (one of my pet peeves; I prefer whole or at least half nuts), and the chocolate smelled more like dark chocolate than milk. But let me tell you, this was an addicting bar. The salt was just right-- just enough to make you want to eat one more piece. And then, well, maybe one more.
I checked out the Shaman Chocolates website and here's what it had to say:
"Shaman Chocolates was created in 2002 after Huichol shaman and healer, Brant Secunda had a visionary dream of people eating chocolate and the chocolate was filling their bodies with love. Chocolate is sacred to the Huichols, who for thousands of years have used it in their ceremonies and left it as offerings to show their love for Mother Earth."
Dude! I've had that same exact dream. Or wait-- that's my reality. When I eat chocolate, I fill my body with love. I can't say, though, that I've ever had enough excess chocolate to offer to Mother Earth. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
If You Really Loved Me, You'd Bring Me One of These
But man, oh man, I could really go for one right now.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Multiple Choice Quiz

"This is a trick-or-treat candy. This is a peppermint."
(Editor's note: Check this entry out now, because the henchmen at Disney will probably shut this down in the next hour for copyright infringement.)
Monday, January 05, 2009
Oh, Come On!
The Center for Food Safety says in a statement issued Tuesday that it found
melamine in Pocky Men's coffee cream coated biscuit stick, which is produced by
Japanese brand Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Enough already! Enough!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Hey Pocky, Balance Your Chi!

It wasn't too scary inside, although I did avoid the entire meat and fish section.
The good news was, they had Coconut Pocky! Hooray! I was so excited. And No-Nuts actually found some stuff she wanted-- some chocolate wafer cookies, Men's Pocky and a drink called "Sac Sac Tangerine Juice." I was disappointed in their selection of Kit Kats, though. They had a berry one, and a McFlurry, which has something to do with McDonald's but I'm not sure what.
I've been wanting Coconut Pocky forever, so that night I sat down with a glass of wine, an episode of Arrested Development and my box o' Pocky.
Sadly, I was disappointed. I'm not sure what I expected, but I think the coconut flakes are just too big for the delicate stick. It seems out of balance. No-Nuts, on the other hand, loved her Men's Pocky. I was hoping she'd leave some before she left for Florida, but no ... instead she left the wafer rolls which I'm sure are half melamine.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Here! Here! A Toast to the New Year!

Wishing all of the Candy Yum Yum readers a sweet 2008. And now, I begin the annual January purge/organization/diet. First, I have 3,000 e-mails to go through in my mailbox. This is a task that I dread but I must do it. (UPDATE: I started cleaning out my in-box last week. I think I got it down to 2500. Only now I have an additional work e-mail, which means I have even more crap to sift through.)