... National Licorice Day! Mark your calendars, folks. April 12 just happens to be the day when we take a moment to reflect and give thanks for all the twists, nibs, bites, coins, cats, pigs and all the other delicious licoricey yumminess in our lives. To celebrate, I'll be giving away a Red Vines box o' goodies to one lucky reader. Here's all you need to do: leave me a comment saying which you prefer, red or black, and I'll pick a candy lover at random. (Sorry, U.S. and Canada residents only. I don't have time to wait in line at the post office.) I'll announce the winner on April 11.
Hmmmm....that's a hard question to answer, CandyYumYum!!! I like both red and black! I suppose, though, I'd choose the black over the red if they were both laid out side-to-side.
Funny thing...as a child and through most of my adult life to this point I've always been a big fan of the red with the black being a bit too strong for me...but in these last few weeks (during my pregnancy) I have been craving black licorice a lot...hmmm..strange..but yummy
Black!- not a strong preference, but a preference nonetheless.
Yummy, Red Licorice is defintely my favorite. Your Blog is just Yummy too. I love to read your reviews on different candies. I have learned that there is a lot of delicious candy that I had never heard of. Thank you.
I'm a Red fan!!
Red licorice is the best! And so is your blog (I check it out every day)!
Red with popcorn at the movies, although at Easter I LOVE the black jelly beans!
Red with popcorn at the moview. Black for jellybeans.
I ADORE black licorice--it's something that I got from my mom, who is a huge black licorice fan. If I win, I know I'll have to share with her :)
Red...... mmmmmm I wish I had a piece of it right now.
I love the classic "red" red vine. Almost better though, is the red licorice flavored salt water taffy. Don't even get me started...
WOW, I never thought I would find a site dedicated to my favorite food...especially licorice.
I have loved licorice since forever. Red, black, any kind of licorice...except the new red licorice jelly beans...not enough licorice flavor.
My family is so good, they give me bags of black licorice jelly beans and I buy out Sam's Club whenever I see the tubs of Twizzlers...YUM, YUM!!
Your website says it all...
I love it all, but I guess I would have to say black is my favorite.
Red, hands down.
Mmm . . . red AND black. Though for the purposes of the contest, I'd have to pick red because my girlfriend won't kiss me if I've been eating black licorice.
It's hard to choose my favorite because they are both so different. I think Super Ropes Red Vines are the best American made red licorice. However, I grew up on "Haribo" black licorice so I still have a fondness for their black licorice mix.
Red ^_______^
Red vines ... red ropes ... red bites ... it's all good.
Black!!!!! Because it tends to be unpopular, there's always more for me.
Red is my favorite, but black is good too!
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