Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I've found something that everyone can agree on: the only Jolly Rancher flavors worth having are watermelon and green apple. Am I right? Are you with me on this one? With this information in hand, get a load of this:
Years and years ago my race car-driver brother worked for the Jolly Rancher team, so I was all like, "Hey, where's my Jolly Ranchers?" So he said he had given a huge box of them to Mikey Pietrzak, one of the kids we grew up with, and he was supposed to give it to me. So I was all like, "Hey Mikey, where are the Jolly Ranchers?" so he gave the box. Only it wasn't until I got home and opened it that I realized he had gone through and taken out all the apple and watermelon, leaving me with pineapple, fire, grape and peach. YUCK! Can you even imagine? I mean, there were probably thousands of little individual Jolly Ranchers with nary a watermelon or apple in sight. Come on! It was so disappointing.
I can't remember the last time I had one of the Jolly Rancher flat sticks. (Do they even still make them??) The best part was sucking on them until they got soft enough to mold to the top of your mouth and then you could pretend you had a retainer. Mmmm, a sweet, watermelon retainer.
I was always fond of the fire stix when I was a kid.
But peach, well, I can't abide by them being anywhere near me.
Watermelon is DEF #1. There's nothing like the smell of someone who has been sucking on one of those. Is that gross? But I don't really care for apple. However, I do like pineapple, and sometimes strawberry. Cherry is sick and wrong.
Thanks for the Tootsie Pops! I received them in good condition :)
that's so funny. i just so happen to have watermelon and green apple in my cupboard right now. i was at the candy store and picked a handful of only the watermelon and green apple. occasionally, i like the fire, but the best all taste like cleaning products. gross.
It's grape all the way, babi. I used to chuck the watermelon ones at buses as a kid (I was a bad seed, get it?) and candy was hard to come by with no income.
Fire Stix. Yes.
OMG we could be Jolly Rancher buddies then. I HATE the watermelon ones. Ok, hate is a strong word, I can eat them but would love any of the others in there instead. Not too crazy about the apple ones either. Thus - we could be JR buddies and share bags of mixed JRs! :)
My favorite is definitely the cherry ones. Perfect cherry flavor! And I quite like the grape ones as well.
I have never tried the peach or fire ones before.
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