Even though Mr. Goodbar continually claims that he doesn't like candy, he does hold a special affection in his heart for Mike & Ike. Go figure. So when I saw these limited edition "Alex's Lemonade Stand" Mike & Ikes, I figured I had to get them. I also figured he'd hate them. He's not much for newfangled-ness.
They sat on the counter all weekend. They taunted me, because I realized, after bestowing this gift upon him, that I really wanted to keep them for myself. I don't especially like Mike & Ike, but I do love lemonade, and the wrapper kept calling to me. Finally, yesterday, after a harrowing trip to the bank in which the Sugar Baby decided it would be a good idea to throw his toy at the teller, I came home wanting a glass of wine but instead settled for a handful of the candies in question.
There are different "lemonade" flavors: lemon, lime and berry. Here's the thing. There's something bitter and icky about them that I didn't like, although I appreciated the attempt to make them really sour. Fortunately that meant there was plenty left for Mr. Goodbar.
And guess what? He liked them. He really liked them. Well, he actually thought a few of the flavors were too sour (I didn't ask him to be more specific; it makes him uncomfortable to discuss candy, feelings and talk radio). Tonight, during our pre-dinner walk, he finished off the bag, saying "The Mike and Ikes have left the building." But remember: he doesn't like candy.
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