We've been having issues with our mail lately. As in: the mailman is too lazy to walk 25 feet down the driveway and up three stairs to our mailbox, so we got a nasty form letter from the post office saying we had to put a box by the side of the road or else our mail would be only be available for viewing on the Internet. (Actually, they said we'd have to pick our mail up in the next town over. Whaaaa???) Fine. So we put up a new mailbox. I give it three days once school is out and teenage boys take a baseball bat to it. Or I run it over. In any case, now what does the mailman do? He walks across the lawn, past the original mailbox and down the steps to the new mailbox. Whatever. All this is to say that I couldn't get out of the house fast enough when I saw a giant envelope sitting on top of the mailbox. (Yes, on top. Whatever.)
Hooray! It was a super-special parcel from the very fabulous City, a.k.a. the New Zealand Cupcake Queen. We "met" when I sent her my cupcake painting for her Cupcake Project blog. I mentioned how, at this here very blog, FIVE YEARS AGO (holy cow!) I wrote about a candy bar called Perky Nana that I would love to try. And voila! She so kindly offered to send me some.
Let me tell you, I tore into that envelope quicker than a kid getting a college acceptance letter. There, in all its glory, was a bag of miniature Perky Nanas ("Banana flavoured chew bar covered with dairy milk chocolate). Here's what they are, in essence: banana Charleston Chews. Yum! I can't imagine why they don't sell these here. I think they'd be a huge hit. I put some in the freezer; I'll try those later. But they've lived up to my expectations. What a joyful thing!
As I sat down to write this entry, I opened up the bag of Jaffas ("orange coated, chocolate filled.") City makes cupcakes out of these and I see why-- they're yumtastic. They're these little balls of chocolate with a coating similar to M&Ms, only thicker, and they have a very subtle orange taste. I've already developed a way to eat them: I suck on the orange candy part, then carefully bite it away until I'm left with just chocolate. These suckers are addictive. On the back of the bag it says, "Shhh! In the days of cinema with wooden floors, fun loving children would giggle uncontrollably as they listened to the sound of their Cadbury Jaffas bouncing down the aisles. With the introduction of carpet and grumpy adults, this leisure activity is now extinct."
The last goodie is called Pineapple Lumps, which I haven't tried yet. (Hey, I've got to pace myself.) But boy, they look good.
City said she likes Reese's, so I sent her a Reese's Whipp, some Hershey Kissables and a Take 5 bar, along with some funky sprinkles for her cupcakes. She recently made Mountain Dew cupcakes and dressed them up with some shark sprinkles! Cute!
Dontcha just love the Internet?!
Ummm, we have a confession. Chocolate chip coconut pie was totalmente una fiesta en nuestros bocas. Pero, Perky Nana or Perky doo doo? MkAFFGG and the Golden Nose are not fans! To be fair, I think it's because we're not hip to the 'Nana flava' in general. We did think of some things to do with the Perkys to help cut down on waste, like I don't know whatever McGyver does with bubble gum or something that William Henry Peterson on CSI would use for impromptu evdence collection device....or our frozen Nana would make a great shiv for our next trip to Sing Sing.
have you tried snifters, the peanut slabs, and other Kiwi candy?
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