There's lots of things you can't do once you have a baby. You can't go to the movies, you can't go to happy hour and you can't stay up til 4 a.m. drinking beer and eating burritos from 7-11. Oh, and you can't just run into the gas station convenience store to check out their candy offerings, because to do so you'd have to unbuckle said child from his car seat, carry him into the place and wrestle with him like he's a wild beast grabbing everything and anything he can get his hands on. Unless, of course, he's with his dad and you're out grocery shopping/picking up dry cleaning/returning library books/making photocopies of important documents, a.k.a. "having free time."
So the other day, between stops at the liquor store and the jewelers (what do these errands say about me?), I had to fill up the car. And suddenly, I realized that for the first time in almost two years, I could walk into the convenience store. Wow! My heart was racing!
Naturally I was in "Ohmygosh, I'vegottobequick,gottogetbackhometotheSugarBaby" mode, so I grabbed the first two things that caught my eye: JuJuBes and Mentos Sours. Now, as far as the JuJuBes are concerned, I've had them in the past and was unimpressed, although I must say they have incredible filling-ripping powers. But I could swear I read somewhere that they had been changed, that they were bigger and softer, so I was excited to see this for myself. Wrong. They're the same. Maybe, just maybe, they were a touch softer, but they're still every dentist's ticket to early retirement.
The Mentos Sours were new to me. I was surprised that they seemed to be in a package rather than the typical Mentos roll; I was even more surprised when I opened it and found that, indeed, they were wrapped in a roll inside! Double wrapping. Hmmm.
I really thought I'd love these, but uh-uh. No ma'am. I think there's a reason for that double wrapper, as in-- they were stale-crunchy. Not soft and chewy like your typical Mentos. So it was like, crunch crunch chew, disappear. Yuck. The thing is, had I not been in such a rush and actually looked at the package, I would've seen that these were watermelon, green apple and lemon. I only like watermelon and green apple in Jolly Ranchers.*
Needless to say, it was quite a disappointing little trip out into the Sugar Baby-free world. The good news is, I'm acquiring quite a stash of uneaten candy that I'll bringing up to the von Schokolats in a few weeks.
*Note to self: do an entry on JollyRanchers and Mikey Pietrzak.
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