Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Literary Candy

Let me just say, I love the library. 1) You can take out as many books as you like for free. Free! What else is free these days? Nothing!; 2) The children's library is stocked with toys including a Lego table and giant soft puffy blocks that the Sugar Baby loves to knock down, especially if some super-sensitive little girl spent all afternoon stacking them just-so; and 3) they have a nice assortment of candy-themed books. Here are a few that I took out.
First, The Gumdrop Tree, a story about a girl who plants the gumdrops that her dad gave her. I love the illustrations.
Next-- what the heck? Mr. Goodbar just came home and it's the middle of the day-- sorry, just a little typing out loud. Anyhow, next we have "Yum, Yum," which technically isn't about candy, but how could I ignore it? The Sugar Baby loved that book. And lastly, we have "Owen's Marshmallow Chick," a literary tour-de-force about Owen's Easter stash that he quickly devours, except the marshmallow chick, which he saves on his book shelf.
All this is to say, look around you. There's candy everywhere and the world is better for it!

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