Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Licorice Day!

Whew, it's been an exhausting day. First we had the licorice hunt, then we opened the licorice presents and then of course there was the great licorice lunch. Well, maybe not, but hopefully you're all enjoying your own version of National Licorice Day. I meant to post the name of the lucky reader who gets the Red Vine box o' deliciousness yesterday, but I was so busy planning today's festivities that I didn't get a chance. Anyhow, the random winner is: Moonlitstorm! Hooray! Thanks to everyone who submitted their comments about red vs. black licorice. Clearly it's a sensitive subject. Just for the record, I like black the best!

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

If only I would have known. Happy Licorice Day to you too!