Tuesday, August 28, 2007
End of summer
It's a wrap
- One of my favorites of the whole lot of goodies was a Ritter Sport Quadrago Erdbeer-Joghurt. (A bite-sized chocolate bar filled with a strawberry yogurt filling.) It was a nice balance of sweet chocolate and tangy/sour strawberry yogurt. MMMM!
- Perhaps the most disturbing "candy" was the licorice sticks from Holland. These were actual pieces of licorice root--they look like any old twig you'd find on a tree-- except you chew them to get to the licoricey center. They're waaaay strong and it's just a little freaky to be gnawing on a stick.
- I really, really liked the wee little bar of Hussel Edelbitter. The chocolate was yummy and the bar was the perfect size to satisfy a craving without going overboard. It's the Fun Size for the Euro crowd.
Lastly, I shall leave you with this picture of the Baron enjoying a perfect day reading a book and eating salted licorice fish from a pile on his belly. As the day went on, his shirt crept higher and higher until the Baronness walked over and pulled it back down. When she did, there was a surprise! A lone salted fish was hiding there, waiting to be savored.

Monday, August 27, 2007
New York, New York

Sunday, August 26, 2007
S'more please!

Friday, August 24, 2007
My new love

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Now that's a brown bag lunch!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Two great tastes that don't taste great together

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Halloween is coming!
What's next? Black pepper gummie bears?

Pucker up!

The little von Schokolats couldn't wait for me to try this gum. I guess it's called "Center Shock" and the flavor was "Mystery." They were all giddy waiting to see how I'd react to this supposedly super-sour treat. Being a sour lover, I figured I've tasted worse and thought I'd have to play up my reaction for the kiddos.
Oh my. Was I wrong. This is some seriously sour stuff. It's the kind of sour that makes your tongue fold in half and your eyelids flutter.
"Keep chewing," they said as they cheered me on. It wasn't easy to do. I started to feel a burning sensation in my chest. But after about a minute or two of excruciating (yet strangely satisfying) sour, the gum mellowed out into just a plain old lump of sour gum.
As I've said before, I'm not a gum fan, but this stuff is in a class of its own. I don't know if you can get it in the States, but I'd be willing to buy it if it was available.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Has anyone seen my insulin?

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Today's the day!
Holy cow. As I was just typing that I had a sudden memory. When I was little there was a consignment store in town called "The Store." I HATED that place. My mother would buy my clothes there and it freaked me out to wear someone else's clothes. (Two outfits particularly send shivers down my spine: the grey wool dress that my Sunday school teacher loved and the heinous itchy polyester pink pantsuit that I wore one time before finally declaring that I wouldn't wear anything besides jeans and a blue zippered sweatshirt, which, ironically enough, was used. My mother found it in church when she was cleaning up after Mass and no one claimed it, so it became mine.) But what does this have to with candy? Well, at some point "The Store" decided to expand its inventory and started selling candy, of all things. I remember walking home from school with my friends Melissa and Sean one day and we stopped there. I purchased a giant plastic tooth filled with gum. The irony of it made Melissa hysterical.
So anyhow, I'm looking forward to an evening of exotic candy tasting. And then tomorrow, we'll be venturing into New York City where I have a complete candy agenda set up. I'll report back as soon as I can!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A love that was meant to be
A ha. He hadn't. Not that he could remember anyway. So after work one day, he acquiesced and decided to try one.
Fast forward to last night. He came home from work and immediately went for the bucket. "PayDays are my new favorite candy bar," he declared. "I like them even more than Mounds." Holy cow! Call the mayor! Ring the church bells! He likes them, he really likes them! And then there was this in my in-box this morning; the subject was simply "PayDays":
I brought one in to eat after lunch, but it keeps calling to me from it's spot beside my monitor. Oh, sweet siren call! I am powerless to resist…
…mmm, peanuts and caramel….
And so there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I truly believe there is a candy for everyone. Sometimes it just takes some searching.
Monday, August 13, 2007
My favorite things (and a correction)
I just tried one and, yes, it is delicious. The first whiff is a nice, bittersweet chocolate. The combination of sugar and salt is fantastic. I just wish the almond was a little toastier, but that's okay. I love these. I'm going to parcel out my allotment for dessert each night.
Also, a correction: in a previous entry about the dude who's licensed the Mentos and Diet Coke blaster, I said it was from Alexandra's alumni magazine. Actually, it was from her husband Richard's. He went to the University of Colorado. She, surprisingly, went to the University of Rhode Island. For some reason, I thought she went to Syracuse. Go figure. Anyhow, that's the story.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
My new candy friend
I think I'm going to start an informal tally of kids' favorites. What fun!
Friday, August 10, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Mentos and Diet Coke: The Next Generation
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Mentos intern
The little ones
Skor and Kit!
(Since several people submitted Kit, I'm giving it to the first person who responded.)
Thanks, everyone, for playing. Keep checking for more candy fun!
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Name Game
Mary Jane
Baby Ruth
Cella (cute if we were Italian!)
Jordan (like the almonds; very nice!)
Marzipan (that almost has a Greek goddess ring to it)
and the very popular Kit, after Kit Kat. I love this one!
For boys:
Charlie (after Charleston Chews, although it could also be after Charlie Bucket)
William (after Willy Wonka)
John, Richard or George (after the Cadbury clan; too many Georges in my family though)
Daniel Peter (after the inventor of Swiss chocolate)
Skor (LOVE this!)
The Baron had his own special list that he sent in which included:
Whatchamacallit (so he wouldn't have to remember the kid's name)
100,000 dollar bar (only a portion of what the kid would cost)
Kiss (because she'd be so sweet--- awwww!)
And, if there is no other sibling, he suggested changing Henri's name to "Bar None."
So there you have it. I'm going to pick a few of my top choices and post them in a poll. Remember, the person who suggested the winning name gets a coupon for a free Nestle Crunch Crisp!