You know what totally rocks? When you get an e-mail from your awesome friend who says she sent you a package of fancy chocolates and you'll be getting them tomorrow.
You know what's a total bummer? When your friend writes back and says, "D'oh! I sent them to your old address!"
You know what totally rocks? That your friend is like this (holding two fingers crossed) with the delivery guy, so the package doesn't get sent to the new owners of the old house (who are perfectly nice people, and probably wouldn't eat the chocolate, but really, I wouldn't blame them if they did), and he says the package will be re-routed to the new casa.
You know what else totally rocks? When the delivery dude rings the doorbell just as the Sugar Baby is having a meltdown, stopping him mid-cry. Perfect timing!
So here are the lovely truffles that Kris sent from Jimmie's Chocolates, "Florida's oldest chocolatier." They're a decent-sized truffle; you could easily get three bites out of each one. Last night I tried the one in the upper right. It was raspberry, with a good kick of alcohol. The center was thick and fudgy. Very nice. Kris mentioned that they were pricey (she doesn't have the same chocoholic gene that I have so this whole gourmet chocolate thing was new to her). I checked out the website and hoo boy, she wasn't just whistlin' Dixie. Looks like their truffles average out to over $2 a piece, which frankly seems a bit excessive for an American chocolate company. (Somehow paying that for French, Belgian or German chocolate seems more acceptable.) Thanks Kris! I'll buy you a margarita next time you're here.
And Jimmie's people, if you're reading this, just FYI: there's a typo on your postcard. Eclectic has one "c."
(Did I mention I'm available for copywriting and press releases?)
Anyhow, I'll keep you posted on the rest of the truffles. Yummy, yum, yum!
(And speaking of Florida, the Ice Cube Queen sent me the link to some ritzy glitzy chocolate place out in her neck of Florida, but when I went to open the link, some crazy music started blasting and I didn't want to wake up the Sugar Baby, so I never got to read about it. I'll have to look for that e-mail again. Is Florida becoming the new Chocolate Capital?!)
Ok, Ms. Yum Yum.....check this out!!
FYI, I know, I'm a little late, but once a chocoholic, always a chocoholic...
Jimmies Chocolate is actually using Belgium chocolate. Every single piece is hand made/dipped and priced at $34.95/lb. That's the average price for gourmet chocolate these days. Unfortunately, their chocolatier for almost 30 years had recently left the company, (incompetent management), to open his own shop a few miles away. Starting May 1st, 2010, you can find former Jimmies truffles at Marcionna Chocolates in North Miami Beach at wholesale price.
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