I mentioned to my friend the other day that the Sugar Baby has been driving me NUTS since he learned the word "cookie." He stands in front of the cabinets and says "Cookie!Cookie!Cookie!" until I relent. (Fortunately his definition of cookie isn't very specific. He's often satisfied with Trader Joe's Oat Bran Cereal Spirals or whatever they're called.) He eats it, then he's back for more.
"You need to keep them in your nightstand," said my friend.
Ah, suddenly it all made sense.
You see, my mother always kept candy bars in her nightstand drawer. Now I know why. And now you know where I get my sweet tooth from. Once my friend mentioned that, I realized that I've truly come full circle because now MY nightstand drawer is littered with empty candy wrappers. Apparently the candy apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So here we have an array of candy that my mother brought back from a recent jaunt. Fun! I put this all on the counter where I thought it would be safe, but apparently the other day, while I was at evil Wal-Mart, the Sugar Baby pushed a chair up to the counter and climbed up. He grabbed a piece of candy and then ran up to Mr. Goodbar saying, "Shoe! Shoe! Shoe!" Once again proving that the only safe place (for now anyway) is next to the bed.
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