The Jimmie's truffles took a unexpectedly bizarre twist. On night two, I cut one in half and took a whiff. Strawberry. Then I took a bite. Strawberry. But wait, is that ... licorice? Weird. A few more chews. Definitely licorice/anise/fennel. Maybe my taste buds were off, but it was a true Violet Beureugard moment, like when she ate the gumball in Willy Wonka and tasted roast beef and blueberry pie.
Night three. Cut truffle. Whiff. Coconut. Yum! Take a bite. Coffee?! Coconut coffee. Hey, a pretty good combination. Much better than strawberry Nyquil.
So what, pray tell, did night four have to offer? There was a pinkish swirl on top, so I was figuring it was a fruity flavor. Slice, whiff. Cherry. Bite. Bubblegum. Cherry bubblegum. I made the mistake of saying this to Mr. Goodbar who was in the process of ruminating on the other half. "You just ruined this for me," he said.
So now I'd love to know what the deal is. Were these the true flavors of the truffles? Or could this "sinus infection" (the diagnosis I was given from the "doctor" at the walk-in medical place who makes Dr. Hibbert from the Simpsons look like a neurosurgeon) wreaked havoc with my taste buds? And do they make a roast beef/blueberry pie truffle?
Night three. Cut truffle. Whiff. Coconut. Yum! Take a bite. Coffee?! Coconut coffee. Hey, a pretty good combination. Much better than strawberry Nyquil.
So what, pray tell, did night four have to offer? There was a pinkish swirl on top, so I was figuring it was a fruity flavor. Slice, whiff. Cherry. Bite. Bubblegum. Cherry bubblegum. I made the mistake of saying this to Mr. Goodbar who was in the process of ruminating on the other half. "You just ruined this for me," he said.
So now I'd love to know what the deal is. Were these the true flavors of the truffles? Or could this "sinus infection" (the diagnosis I was given from the "doctor" at the walk-in medical place who makes Dr. Hibbert from the Simpsons look like a neurosurgeon) wreaked havoc with my taste buds? And do they make a roast beef/blueberry pie truffle?
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