Monday, February 11, 2008

Perchance, to dream

Apparently I've been besieged by a mysterious illness with the following symptoms: sore throat that feels like I'm swallowing glass, mild headache just so it's slightly annoying and an unstoppable hunger for all things carbolicious. Here's what I wish I was eating:

french fries
cheese danish
lemon danish
Donuts (chocolate frosted, cinnamon cruellers, powdered)
Turkey sandwich on good bread with Russian dressing, lettuce and tomato
And of course...
100 Grand Bar
Kit Kat
chocolate chip cookies

Here's what I'm going to eat: the dregs of the Sugar Baby's grilled cheese and the pineapple that he picks out of his fruit cup

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooo.........except for the sore throat, with cravings like that, one would be lead to think your expecting another Sugar Baby!!!!